In-vivo Fluorescence Bruker System
MS FX Pro in-vivo Bruker System
The MS FX Pro in-vivo Bruker provides multispectral fluorescence and other options like radioisotopic and x-ray imaging all in one. It is useful for confirming ex vivo validation, tracking NIR fluorescent nanoparticles & other imaging applications.

IVIS Spectrum CT- Perkin Elmer
IVIS Spectrum CT for BLI & Fluorescence
The MIC’s IVIS Spectrum CT provides sensitive and quantitative 2D and 3D bioluminescent, fluorescent, and Cerenkov imaging in vivo. Other optical features include multispectral fluorescence and spectral unmixing, fast and low dose CT imaging with 3D reconstruction.

MSOT inVision
Multispectral Optoacoustic Tomography (MSOT) imaging system
An optoacoustic imaging system with real-time imaging for small animals. MultiSpectral Optoacoustic Tomography (MSOT) visualizes & quantifies optoacoustic contrast. Allows oxygenation state characterization.

Xenogen IVIS 50
IVIS 50- In Vivo Bioluminescence Imaging System (BLI)
One of the BRC and Molecular Imaging Center’s (MIC) bioluminescence imaging systems, the IVIS 50 provides sensitive and quantitative bioluminescent imaging in vivo and ex vivo.