If a rock contains many circular features, then it is probably not a meteorite

Just because a rock contains circular or spherical features does not mean that the feature is a chondrule or that the rock is a chondritic meteorite (chondrite). Many terrestrial rocks contain circular features such as amygdules, rounded pebbles, and fossils. I have seen spherules in cavities in rocks that I suspect were insect eggs. Terrestrial rocks do not contain chondrules.

All the photos below were sent to me by persons who wanted to know if the rock was a meteorite. None of them are meteorites. None has a fusion crust.

Several of the rocks depicted below are amygdaloidal basalts.

Round things in real meteorites

Chondritic meteorites contain spherical chondrules. Chondrules are rarely greater than 2 mm in diameter. Here are some chondrites with easy-to-see chondrules. All of these photos are of sawn faces.

In CB chondrites, the iron-nickel metal is sometimes round: Gujba | Arguin 001

The NWA 7034 clan of martian meteorites is the only meteorite of which I am aware that has large “round things” in it. The round things are impact-melt spherules, not chondrules. 

Northwest Africa (NWA) 7475, one of the several NWA 7034 pairs. At this time (June, 2021), this meteorite is the only brecciated meteorite from Mars. The circular features are mostly-glass spheres likely from meteoroid impacts on the surface of Mars; they are not chondrules. Image credit: Luc Labenne