Lunar Meteorite: Northwest Africa 15500 & 16400
possible paired stones

from The Meteoritical Bulletin, No. 111 Northwest Africa 15500 (NWA 15500)(Northwestern Africa) Lunar meteorite History: Purchased online in March 2022 by Craig Zlimen from a meteorite dealer in Algeria. Physical Characteristics: Single stone with no visible fusion crust. A slice of the interior reveals the stone to be divided in half into two different rock types. Petrography: (D. Sheikh, Cascadia) Specimen represents a dimict breccia comprised of two distinct (but genetically related) lithologies separated by a sharp contact: Lith A) A feldspathic fragmental breccia composed of mm-sized angular to subangular lithic and mineral clasts set within a fine-grained matrix. Clast lithologies identified in this sample include anorthosites, norites, olivine norites, troctolites, pink spinel troctolites, pink spinel anorthosites, and impact melt clasts; clasts lithologies are predominantly Mg-suite in composition, with minor input from lunar ferrous anorthosite. Accessory phases include ilmenite, SiO2-rich glass, and merrillite. Lith B) A clast-poor troctolitic impact melt composed of compositionally zoned olivine and minor high-Ca pyroxene dendrites (Av. grain size ~10 µm, and unzoned plagioclase laths (mix of both cracked and smooth, Av. grain size ~0.5 mm). Clast lithologies identified include anorthosites, pink spinel anorthosites, and troctolites. Accessory phases include SiO2-rich glass and ülvospinel. Geochemistry: Lith A [Olivine (Fa17.8±12.1, range Fa4.4-53.3, Fe/Mn=85±14, n=76), Low-Ca Pyroxene (Fs23.9±13.8Wo3.4±1.2, range Fs10.5-52.2Wo0.8-4.6, Fe/Mn=55±8, n=23), Pigeonite (Fs33.0±10.1Wo10.7±3.3, range Fs19.1-56.6Wo6.3-17.0, Fe/Mn=55±7, n=16), High-Ca Pyroxene (Fs15.8±6.6Wo38.1±5.3, range Fs5.8-29.6Wo26.0-45.7, Fe/Mn=50±10, n=15), Calcic Plagioclase (An96.5±0.6, range An94.9-98.0, n=79), Pink Spinel (Cr#=3.9±0.2, Mg#=85.5±1.3, n=70)]; Lith B [Olivine (Fa21.6±5.8, range Fa9.1-30.7, Fe/Mn=79±11, n=35), Low-Ca Pyroxene (Fs15.7±0.8Wo4.3±0.1, range Fs15.2-16.3Wo4.3-4.4, Fe/Mn=57±4, n=2), High-Ca Pyroxene (Fs27.4±12.9Wo39.5±2.7, range Fs8.6-37.4Wo36.8-43.2, Fe/Mn=46±5, n=4), Calcic Plagioclase (An95.8±0.8, range An94.4-97.9, n=40), Pink Spinel (Cr#=3.9±0.1, Mg#=82.0±1.3, n=19)]. Classification: Lunar (dimict breccia). The unusual presence of bonifide pink spinel anorthosite clasts that contain pink spinel compositionally similar to those measured by the Moon Mineralogy Mapper imaging spectrometer (M^3) suggest derivation of this specimen from a previously unsampled region on the lunar surface. Specimens: 20.2 g at Cascadia, main mass with Craig Zlimen. |
from The Meteoritical Bulletin, No. 111 Northwest Africa 16400 (NWA 16400)(Northwestern Africa) Lunar meteorite History: Purchased in 2023 by Habib-naji Naji from a meteorite dealer in Algeria. Physical Characteristics: Single stone with minor fusion crust. Petrography: (D. Sheikh, Cascadia) (D. Sheikh, Cascadia) Sample represents a fragmental breccia comprised of mm-sized angular to sub-rounded lithic and mineral clasts set within a mostly fine-grained matrix. Clast lithologies identified in this sample include anorthosites, norites, olivine gabbronorites, anorthositic gabbronorites, troctolites, pink spinel anorthosites (PSA), impact melt clasts, and other spinel-bearing lithologies; clast lithologies are predominantly Mg-suite in composition, with minor input from lunar ferroan anorthosites (FAN) and magnesian anorthosites (MAN). Minor/accessory phases identified include ilmenite, cordierite, troilite, Fe-Ni metal, chromite, and merrillite. Geochemistry: Host [Olivine (Fa19.7±8.4, range Fa7.7-27.2, Fe/Mn=85±7, n=17); Low-Ca Pyroxene (Fs11.5±0.7Wo2.0±1.8, range Fs10.2-12.8Wo0.5-4.8, Fe/Mn=47±8, n=30), Pigeonite (Fs18.8±1.2Wo14.3±3.6, range Fs16.8-21.4Wo8.7-21.5, Fe/Mn=50±5, n=9), High-Ca Pyroxene (Fs9.4±3.9Wo38.8±5.5, range Fs5.0-15.2Wo26.6-44.4, Fe/Mn=41±10, n=18), Calcic Plagioclase (An95.2±2.3, range An89.6-98.2, n=68)]; Pink Spinel Anorthosite (PSA) Clasts [Pink Spinel (Mg#=84.0±0.2, Cr#=3.9±0.1, n=18), Calcic Plagioclase (An95.6±0.4, range An94.8-96.2, n=21)]. Classification: Lunar. Likely paired with NWA 15500 based on texture and clast lithologies. Specimens: 11.3 g type specimen at Cascadia, main mass with Habib-naji Naji. |
Randy Says… I have not studied Northwest Africa 15500 or 16400. The classifier of both stones suggests that they are paired. |
More InformationMeteoritical Bulletin Database References Sheikh D., Ruzicka A. M., and Hutson M. L. (2024) The most spinel-rich sample from the moon: A first look at pink spinel anorthosite PSA), pink spinel pyroxenite (PSP), and spinel-cordierite assemblages (SCA) in Northwest Africa (NWA) 16400. 55th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, abstract no. 2023. Sheikh D., Ruzicka A. M., and Hutson M. L. (2024) “Ground truth” occurrence of pink spinel anorthosite (PSA) as clasts in lunar meteorite Northwest Africa (NWA) 15500: Chemical evidence for a genetic relationship with lunar highlands Mg-suite and formation by magma–wallrock interactions. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 59. |