Lunar Meteorite: Northwest Africa 13967

likely NWA 8046 pair

A slice of Northwest Africa 13967. 7.3 cm field of view. Photo credit: Axel Wittmann
from The Meteoritical Bulletin, No. 110


Northwest Africa 13967 (NWA 13967)

(northwestern Africa)
Find: 2015 May
Mass: 251.8 g (1 piece)

Classification: Lunar meteorite (feldspathic breccia)

History: Acquired by Jay Piatek in May 2015 from a Moroccan meteorite dealer.

Physical characteristics: (L. Garvie, ASU) A single irregular, sandblasted stone weighing 251.8 g. No fusion crust is visible. White clasts to 1.5 cm are visible at the surface. In a polished 7 × 3 cm section, gray, tan, and other lightly colored clasts vary in shape from angular to rounded with a maximum size of 1.5 centimeters. The dark matrix is locally vesicular. In a hand sample, there are visible carbonate veins, possibly as a result of terrestrial alternation.

Petrography: (T. Geraci, C. Kroemer, A. Wittmann, ASU) Polymict, angular to sub-rounded feldspathic clasts set in a glassy, vesicular groundmass. Clasts include medium-grained anorthosite, fine-to-medium grained granulite, one ferroan SiO2– and ilmenite-bearing melt, glassy and crystallized impact melts, including spherule fragments. The most common minerals are anorthite, magnesian olivine, and pyroxene; tissintite and corundum occur as components of the glassy groundmass. Less common minerals include SiO2, chromite, troilite, Fe-Ni metal, ilmenite, ZrO2, and zircon. Fractures are primarily filled by calcium carbonate and sometimes strontium-bearing barite, but mafic minerals and metal clasts are commonly not altered or oxidized.

Geochemistry: (T. Geraci, C. Kroemer, A. Wittmann, ASU) Olivine Fa19.1±6.9, range Fa5.3-27.4 (n=79), Low-Ca Pyroxene Fs28.2±14.2Wo4.3±3.0 (n=57), range Fs10.3-62.5Wo2.3-16.5. High-Ca Pyroxene Fs20.1±11.1Wo40.7±4.5, range Fs2.4-41.2Wo28.3-48.3 (n=31). Plagioclase An95.7±1.3Ab4.1±1.1Or0.2±0.1, range An90.2-97.6Ab2.3-9.5Or0.0-0.4 (n=63). Glass (wt% Mg/Al=0.24-0.53, avg. 0.32±0.05 (n=18). Kamacite 7.1±0.1 wt% Ni (range 7.0-7.2 wt%), 0.36 wt% Co (range 0.330.37 wt%). Martensite 10.9±4.1 wt% Ni, range 8.2-18.9 wt% Ni, 10.87±4.01 wt% Co, range 0.42-1.44 wt% Co.

Classification: Achondrite (lunar feldspathic breccia). Shock-lithified.

Specimens: 34 g at ASU; remainder with Jay Piatek.

Randy Says…

I have not studied NWA 13967. Wittmann et al. (2025) reasonably suggest that it is one of many pairs of NWA 8046.

More Information

Meteoritical Bulletin Database

NWA 13967


Wittmann A., Kroemer C. R., Wadhwa M. Sharp T. G., Van Soest M., Martin T., and Goepfert T. (2025) Tissintite-II in lunar meteorite Northwest Africa 13967: Implications for the high pressure/temperature mineralogy of the lunar regolith. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 60.