Lunar Meteorite: Northwest Africa 13964

from The Meteoritical Bulletin, No. 110
Northwest Africa 13964 (NWA 13964)Algeria Classification: Lunar meteorite (feldspathic breccia) History: Purchased by Craig Zlimen and Mark Lyon in March 2021 from an Algerian dealer. The main mass plus an additional piece were subsequently acquired by Alan Ginsberg. Physical characteristics: Two similar-appearing pieces (4630 g, 1900 g) lacking fusion crust, which are naturally broken portions of a single meteorite stone. The material is composed of relatively large beige and light gray, angular clasts in a medium gray matrix. Petrography: (A. Irving, UWS and P. Carpenter, WUSL) Anorthositic breccia composed of >95 vol.% anorthitic plagioclase as both polymineralic lithic clasts (anorthosite, plagioclase-rich basalt) and mineral grains within a fine grained matrix. The most common mafic phase is olivine, but orthopyroxene, augite and pigeonite are also present, along with accessory Ti-chromite, troilite, rare armalcolite and minor secondary barite. Geochemistry: Olivine (Fa23.2-33.3, FeO/MnO = 88-102, N = 4), low-Ca pyroxene (Fs28.6-35.8Wo2.0-3.5, FeO/MnO = 51-59, N = 3), pigeonite (Fs24.4-29.4Wo9.2-9.5, FeO/MnO = 44-48, N =2), augite (Fs11.9-20.1Wo38.9-43.8, FeO/MnO = 45-56, N = 2), anorthite (An95.9-96.8Or0.1±0.0, N = 3), armalcolite (Mg0.4Fe0.46Cr0.06Al0.07Ti1.97O5). Classification: Lunar (anorthositic breccia). Specimens: 26.1 g including one polished thin section at UWB; 4630 g stone plus a 441 g piece from the 1900 g stone with Mr. A. Ginsberg; remainder held jointly by Mr. C. Zlimen and Mr. M. Lyon. |
Randy Says… I have not studied NWA 13964. |
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