Lunar Meteorite: Northwest Africa 13306

from The Meteoritical Bulletin, No. 109 Northwest Africa 13306 (NWA 13306)northwestern Africa Classification: Lunar meteorite (feldspathic breccia) History: Purchased by Carlos Muñecas in January 2020 from a dealer in Guelmin, Morocco. Physical Characteristics: Abundant feldspathic clasts set in a dark gray groundmass with lesser amounts of fragmental pyroxene and olivine. Petrography: (A. Irving, UWS and P. Carpenter, WUSL) Abundant feldspathic clasts set in a dark-gray groundmass with lesser amounts of fragmental pyroxene and olivine. Geochemistry: Mineral compositions and geochemistry: Olivine: Fa 20.2±0.9, Fe/Mn = 89±1 (n=4); Low-Ca pyroxene: Fs25.3±0.8Wo5.6±0.5, Fe/Mn = 58±6 (n=4); High-Ca pyroxene: Fs26.6±1Wo36.5±0.6, Fe/Mn = 58±1 (n=2); Plagioclase: An97.5±0.8Or0.2±0.1 (n=6). Classification: Lunar feldspathic breccia. Specimens: 20 g at UWB; remainder with Mr. Carlos Muñecas. |
Randy Says… I have not studied 13225. |
More InformationMeteoritical Bulletin Database NWA 13306 |