Lunar Meteorite: Northwest Africa 12393
from The Meteoritical Bulletin, No. 108 Northwest Africa 12393 (NWA 12393)(northwestern Africa) Lunar Meteorite (olivine gabbronorite breccia) History: Purchased from Ahmad Buraga in Morocco, February 22, 2016. Physical characteristics: Single stone, lacking fusion crust. Saw cut reveals a breccia of dark-brown and dark-green clasts with a few, scattered, light-colored, feldspathic fragments. Petrography: (C. Agee, UNM) This meteorite is a chemically equilibrated, fragmental breccia with olivine, augite, low-Ca pyroxene, anorthitic plagioclase, and ubiquitous minor chromite. Following lunar petrologic nomenclature this is an olivine gabbronorite. Geochemistry: (C. Agee, UNM) Olivine Fa 27.2±2.9, n=12; augite Fs14.0±1.4Wo39.8±1.8, Fe/Mn=50±7, n=4; low-Ca pyroxene Fs22.5±1.9Wo5.9±2.1, Fe/Mn=52±3, n=8; plagioclase An96.3±0.9Ab3.5±0.9Or0.2±0.0, n=7. Classification: Lunar (olivine gabbronorite) Specimens: 20.4 g including a probe mount on deposit at UNM, Jay Piatek holds the main mass. |
Randy Says… I have not studied Northwest Africa 12393. Despite being a gabbronorite, I suspect that it is not related to the NWA 773 clan because the olivine is more forsteritic and the plagioclase is more anorthitic. |
More InformationMeteoritical Bulletin Database NWA 12393 |