Lunar Meteorite: Northwest Africa 11828
NWA 8046-clan pair?

from The Meteoritical Bulletin, No. 107 Northwest Africa 11828 (NWA 11828)(Northwest Africa) Lunar meteorite (feldspathic breccia) History: Stones were acquired from a Moroccan dealer in 2017. Physical characteristics: A group of dark- and light-gray stones with no fusion crust. Petrography: S. Demidova and D. Badyukov, Vernad): The meteorites are polymict breccias containing numerous mineral fragments and large rounded lithic clasts occurring within a brownish cryptocrystalline to glassy impact-melt matrix; the lithic clast population comprises impact-melt breccias, as well as cataclastic granulitic rocks of anorthositic, noritic, gabbro-noritic and troctolitic compositions; clasts of impact-melt breccias typically show breccia-in-breccia textures; glass fragments and rare spherules are present. Geochemistry: feldspar, An92-98; orthopyroxene, Wo2-5En60-81; clinopyroxene; Wo5-43En33-69, olivine, Fo22-93 (FeO/MnO = 85); accessory minerals include: ilmenite (2.6-6.2 wt % MgO), Cr-rich ulvöspinel, Ti,Al-rich chromite, silica, Ca-phosphate, armalcolite, baddeleyite, troilite, and abundant FeNi metal; the stones are moderately weathered; carbonate veins and Fe hydroxides are present. Classification: Lunar, feldspathic regolith breccia Specimens: 23 type specimens of 662.5 g, and a thin section, Vernad, the main mass with an anonymous keeper. |
Randy Says… I have not studied Northwest Africa 11828. It may be another pair of the NWA 8046 clan. |
More InformationMeteoritical Bulletin Database NWA 11828 |