Lunar Meteorite: Elephant Moraine 87521 and 96008
paired stones

Listed in The Meteoritical Bulletin, No. 76 Original classification from Elephant Moraine 87521 (EET 87521)Dimensions (cm): 3.7 x 2.5 x 2 Brecciated Eucrite Physical Description: Carol Schwarz. About 30% of this smooth rounded specimen is covered with black to brown shiny fusion crust. The interior of this breccia is dark and fine-grained with white and yellowish inclusions. It is coherent and has several large 2-3 mm white inclusions located near the exterior of the specimen. Petrographic Description: Brian Mason. The section shows a microbreccia of pale brown pyroxene and colorless plagioclase clasts, up to 1.2 mm across, in a comminuted groundmass of these minerals. Pyroxene compositions show a wide range: Wo15-39, Fs41-61, En12-41, but cluster around Wo20Fs45 and Wo37Fs48 (one grain is Wo22Fs61). One grain of Fe-rich olivine, Fa91, was analyzed. Plagioclase composition is An68-89. An SiO2 polymorph, probably tridymite, is present in accessory amounts. The meteorite is a brecciated eucrite, but the iron-rich nature of the pyroxenes and the presence of fayalitic olivine distinguishes it from most eucrites. Reclassification from Lunar Basaltic Breccia Macroscopic Description: Carol Schwarz and Marilyn Lindstrom. About 30% of this smooth rounded specimen is covered with black to brown shiny fusion crust. The interior of this coherent breccia is dark and fine-grained and contains numerous small white and yellow inclusions. Two 2-3 mm clasts are visible on the surface: One is a white clast consisting of plagioclase with 10-15% yellow and black mafic minerals; the other is a buff-colored clast made up of plagioclase and 35-50% yellow and black mafic minerals. Thin Section (EET87521,8 & ,9) and Bulk Composition (EET87521,6) Description: Jeremy Delaney and Paul Warren. EET87521 was originally classified as a eucrite. However, more detailed investigations indicate that it is a very-low-titanium (VLT) basaltic breccia of lunar derivation. The modal mineralogy is 5-10% olivine, 45-50% pyroxene, 35-40% plagioclase and 1-2% ilmenite, chromite, ulvospinel/magnetite, sulfide, silica minerals, and FeNi-metal. The matrix of the meteorite also contains several percent of glass similar in composition to the bulk meteorite. The olivine ranges in composition from Fo65 to Fo5, a range typical of VLT mare basalts, and shows a strong bimodality with clusters centered at Fo57-65 and Fo5-15. Intermediate olivine compositions are uncommon. Molar Fe/Mn ratios of the olivine are 90-100. The pyroxene is pigeonite/subcalcic augite/augite with a composition range of En65Wo5-10 to En20Wo15-40. Most pyroxene is iron-rich and comparable to eucritic pyroxene, but is generally more calcic than eucritic pyroxene. The pyroxene does not show the bimodal distribution of the olivine. Pyroxene Fe/Mn ratios are 50-75. These ratios are typical of mare basalts, and much higher than those of basaltic achondrites (30-40). The feldspar is mostly An93-97 with a few more sodic grains present. Several clasts within the thin sections have survived with textures little altered by brecciation. These clasts tend to be relatively coarse-grained, by mare basalt standards. Thin section [,9] contains a small (1 mm) clast of what is probably a highlands impact melt breccia. This extremely fine-grained clast contains at least 70% plagioclase. It also contains the only observed grains of FeNi-metal, with compositions (average 94.1% Fe, 4.53% Ni, 0.37% Co) typical of metals derived as “contamination” from metal-rich meteorites. The bulk composition of EET87521 has been studied by INAA, using two adjacent chips, 278-290 mg in mass. The TiO2 concentration is 0.8-1.1%, and results for ratios such as Fe/Mn, Ga/Al, Na/Ca, and Co/Cr indicate that this sample is lunar, and certainly not a eucrite. In general, the bulk composition shows a striking resemblance to VLT mare basalts from Luna 24. Perhaps the most significant difference is that EET87521 has higher concentrations of incompatible elements, especially light REE. This difference might be caused by the highlands component associated with the FeNi-bearing clast. However, the bulk-rock Ni content (29-43 µg/g) indicates that the total proportion of non-VLT “contaminant” is probably small. References: J. Delaney (1989) Nature 342, 889-890. P. Warren and G. Kallemeyn (1989) Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 53, 3323-3330. Oxygen Isotopic Composition: Robert Clayton. The oxygen isotopic composition is δ18O = +5.39, δ17O = +2.79. These analyses are comparable to those of previously analyzed lunar meteorites and Apollo lunar samples and distinct from those of eucrites. |
Listed in The Meteoritical Bulletin, No. 82 from Antarctic Meteorite Newsletter, Vol. 21, No. 1, 1998 Elephant Moraine 96008Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica Dimensions (cm): 4.5×3.5×1.5 Lunar Basaltic Breccia Macroscopic Description: Kathleen McBride. 50% of this meteorite is covered by a black glassy fusion crust. Areas that lack fusion crust appear virtually unweathered. The fusion crust is very thinly distributed over the surface of the rock. The matrix is fine grained, medium gray with numerous inclusions. These inclusions are white, light gray and tan and are angular and subangular in shape. Metal and rust are not visible. This is a brecciated basalt, possibly lunar in origin. Thin Section (,4) Description: Brian Mason. The section shows a microbreccia of pyroxene and plagioclase clasts, up to 1.2 mm across; traces of nickel-iron and sulfide are present, as small scattered grains. Microprobe analyses show that most of the pyroxene ranges from Wo11Fs31 to Wo40 Fs18, with a few more iron-rich grains; plagioclase composition is An93-96. A few olivine grains of variable composition, Fa41-64, were analyzed. Fe/Mn in pyroxene is about 70. The meteorite is a lunar basaltic breccia. |
Randy Says… The paired stones were found 9 years apart. There are some compositional reasons to suspect that EET 87/96 is launch-paired with DEW 12007, QUE 94281, Yamato 793274/981031, NWA 4884, the NWA 7611 clan. See discussion at the NWA 7611 clan. |
More InformationMeteoritical Bulletin DatabaseMapReferencesArai T., Takeda H., and Warren P. H. (1996) Four lunar meteorites: Crystallization trends of pyroxenes and spinels. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 31, 877-892. Arai T., Shimoda H., Kita N., and Morishita Y. (2005) Petrogenesis of basaltic clasts with extreme compositional variations in a brecciated lunar meteorite EET 87521. Antarctic Meteorites XXIX, 1-2. Arai T., Shimoda H., Kita N., Morishita Y., and Kojima H. (2005) Source magma compositions for basalt clasts of lunar meteorite EET 87521 in connection to KREEP. 68th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, abstract no. 5196. Basilevsky A. T., Neukum G., and Nyquist L. (2010) Lunar meteorites: What they tell us about the spatial and temporal distribution of mare basalts. 41st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, abstract no. 1214. Boesenberg J. S. and Delaney J. S. (2006) Elephant Moraine 87521: Two pyroxenes, two chromites, and two ilmenites, but only one fractionation series. In Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVII, abstract no. 1680. Delaney J. S. (1989) Lunar basalt breccia identified among Antarctic meteorites. Nature 342, 889-890. Distel A. G., Davidson J., Wadhwa M., Hervig R. L., Sutton S. R., and Lanzirotti A. (2024) Correlated H2O–δD systematics and iron and chromium valences of nominally anhydrous minerals in the lunar basaltic breccia meteorite Elephant Moraine (EET) 87521. 55th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, abstract no. 1721. Dreibus G., Spettel B., Wlotzka F., Jochum K. P., Schultz L., Weber H. W., and Wänke H. (1996) Chemistry, petrology, and noble gases of basaltic lunar meteorite QUE 94281. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 31, A38-A39. Eugster O., Thalmann Ch., Albrecht A., Herzog G. F., Delaney J. S., Klein J., and Middleton R. (1996) Exposure history of glass and breccia phases of lunar meteorite EET87521. 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Korotev R. L. (2005) Lunar geochemistry as told by lunar meteorites. Chemie der Erde 65, 297-346. Korotev R. L. and Zeigler R. A. (2014) Chapter 6. ANSMET Meteorites from the Moon, Thirty-five Seasons of U.S. Antarctic Meteorites (1976–2010): A Pictorial Guide to the Collection (editors K. Righter, R. P. Harvey, C. M. Corrigan, and T. J. McCoy), 101–130, Special Publications 68, American Geophysical Union, Washington, D. C., 296 pages, ISBN: 978-1-118-79832-4. Korotev R. L., Jolliff B. L., Zeigler R. A., and Haskin L. A. (2003) Compositional evidence for launch pairing of the YQ and Elephant Moraine lunar meteorites. Lunar and Planetary Science 34, abstract no. 1357. Korotev R. L., Jolliff B. L., Zeigler R. A., and Haskin L. A. (2003) Compositional constraints on the launch pairing of three brecciated lunar meteorites of basaltic composition. Antarctic Meteorite Research 16, 152-175. Korotev R. L., Irving A. J., and Bunch T. E. (2008) Keeping up with the lunar meteorites – 2008. 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Takeda H., Mori H., Saito J., and Miyamoto M. (1992) Mineralogical studies of lunar mare meteorites EET87521 and Y793274. Proceedings of Lunar and Planetary Science, Volume 22, 355-364. Terada K. and Sano Y. (2005) In-situ U-Pb dating of phosphates in lunar basaltic breccia Elephant Moraine 87521. 68th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, abstract no. 5062. Terada K. and Sano Y. (2005) In-situ U-Pb dating of phosphates in lunar basaltic breccia Elephant Moraine 87521 and EET96008, Antarctic Meteorites XXIX, 86-87. Terada K., Saiki T., Oka Y., Hayasaka Y., and Sano Y. (2005) Ion microprobe U-Pb dating of phosphates in lunar basaltic breccia, Elephant Moraine 87521. Geophysical Research Letters 32(20), L20202. DOI 10.1029/2005GL023909 Terada K., Sasaki Y., and Sano Y. (2006) In-situ U-Pb dating of phosphates in lunar basaltic breccia Yamato 981031. Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVII, abstract no. 1665. Vogt S., Herzog G. 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