Lunar Meteorite: Dhofar 733 & 1766
paired stones

from The Meteoritical Bulletin, No. 87Dhofar 733Oman Classification: Lunar meteorite (anorthositic granulitic breccia) History: A brownish grey stone weighing 98 g was found in the Dhofar region of Oman. Mineralogy and classification (S. Demidova, Vernad; G. Kurat, MNHV): fusion crust is absent; the rock contains relics of mineral and lithic clasts and shows granoblastic or poikiloblastic textures; anorthositic, troctolitic and gabbro-noritic lithologies are present. Mineral compositions: feldspar, An89-96; orthopyroxene, Wo4-5E73-76; clinopyroxene, Wo36-40, En48-52; olivine, Fo71-76 (Fe/Mn ~87 at). Accessory minerals are armalcolite, ilmenite, Al-Chromite, Ca-phosphate, troilite, and FeNi metal (31-43 wt% Ni; 1.3-1.7 wt% Co); lath-shaped armalcolite is most common; the stone is moderately weathered; smectite, gypsum, and Fe hydroxides are present. Dho 733 was found far away from other lunar stones collected in the Dhofar region and has a distinctly different texture. It is probably not paired with any other Dhofar lunar finds known so far. Specimens: type specimens of 20 g, and a thin section, Vernad; main mass with anonymous finder. |
from The Meteoritical Bulletin, No. 102 Dhofar 1766Zufar, Oman Classification: Lunar meteorite (feldspathic breccia) History: Found by a prospector in December 2011. Physical characteristics: Angular 5 × 4 × 3 cm stone (292 g) with shiny, reddish exposure surface and bluish-grey basal surface. On surface ~5 mm rounded, knobby, yellowish-white to dark grey, partly melted clasts are embedded in a flow-textured groundmass, which has abundant, sub-mm vesicles. Petrography: (A. Wittmann and P. Carpenter, WUSL) Melt rock with flow texture of aphanitic melt enclosing 5 to <0.5 mm size clasts of feldspar-rich rocks. All clasts are recrystallized but retain outlines of original textures of poikilitic to subhedral mafic silicates in plagioclase-dominated groundmass. Groundmass plagioclase forms dense masses of tabular, felty textured crystals with <10 µm skeletal pyroxene crystals filling interstices. Olivine occurs up to 50 µm, zoned, subhedral crystals in the melt groundmass, and in partly assimilated clasts is overgrown with augite that poikilitically encloses acicular plagioclase, silica-rich mesostasis and euhedral, up to 30 µm armalcolite crystals. Accessory troilite occurs in the melt groundmass as round to oval, <10 µm crystals, some of which are intergrown with minute taenite and tetrataenite grains; subhedral to granular, 30 to 250 µm chromian spinel crystals exhibit variable ° of decomposition and recrystallization. Abundant vesicles are hollow or occupied by secondary gypsum, celestite, rare barite, and greenish-yellow, Mg-rich phyllosilicates (talc?) that are rimmed by celestite. Geochemistry: (A. Wittmann, WUSL): Plagioclase (An77-96Ab13.9-3.4Or0-0.7; N=21); olivine (Fa10-30, molar Fe/Mn=61-195; N=20); augite (Fs10-21Wo24-42, molar Fe/Mn=34-40; N=3); armalcolite (up to 0.4 wt% ZrO2; n=6); spinel (Mg3.65–4.84Al6.48–12.77Fe3.24–4.57Ti0.37–0.65Cr2.57–8.44O32 ; n=3), troilite (up to 0.3 wt.% Ni; N=3), metal (36.5-45.5 wt% Ni, 1.3-1.4 wt% Co). Bulk composition (R. Korotev, WUSL) INAA of subsamples gave mean abundances of (in wt.%) FeO 2.9, Na2O 0.69, CaO 16, (in ppm) Sc 4.6, La 1.2, Sm 0.58, Eu 1.6, Yb 0.36, Th 0.08, and 1.1 ppb Ir. Classification: Lunar (feldspathic melt rock). Specimens: 20.3 g of type material and one polished thin section are at UWB. The remaining material is held by the anonymous finder. |
Randy Says… Compositionally, Dhofar 733 and Dhofar 1766 are distinct in having concentrations of Na and Eu about twice that typical of other feldspathic lunar meteorites as a result of more albitic plagioclase. Because they are compositionally similar to each other and were found in proximity to each other, I suspect that they are paired despite the textural differences. |
More InformationMeteoritical Bulletin Database Map Schematic Map of Find Locations of Lunar Meteorite from Oman References Anand M., Taylor L. A., Patchen A., Cahill J., and Nazarov M. A. (2002) New minerals from a new lunar meteorite, Dhofar 280. Lunar and Planetary Science XXXIII, abstract no. 1653. Anand M., Taylor L. A., Nazarov M. A., Shu J., Mao H.-K., and Hemley R. J. (2004) Space weathering on airless planetary bodies: clues from the lunar mineral hapkeite. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 101, abstract no. 18, 6847-6851. Bischoff A. (2001) Fantastic new chondrites, achondrites, and lunar meteorites as the result of recent meteorite search expeditions in hot and cold deserts. Earth, Moon and Planets 85-86, 87-97. Cahill J.T., Taylor L.A., Anand M., Patchen A., and Nazarov M.A. (2002) Mineralogy, petrography, and geochemistry of lunar meteorite Dhofar 081: New developments. Lunar and Planetary Science XXXIII, abstract no. 1351. Cahill J. T., Floss C., Anand M., Taylor L. A., Nazarov M. A., and Cohen B. A. (2004) Petrogenesis of lunar highlands meteorites: Dhofar 025, Dhofar 081, Dar al Gani 262, and Dar al Gani 400. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 39, 503-530. Cohen B. A. (2005) More impact-melt clasts in feldspathic lunar meteorites. 68th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, abstract no. 5314. Cohen B. A. (2008) Lunar meteorite impact melt clasts and lessons learned for lunar surface sampling. Lunar and Planetary Science XXXIX, abstract no. 2532, 39th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. Consolmagno G. J., Russell S. S., and Jeffries T. E. (2004) An in-situ study of REE abundances in three anorthositic impact melt lunar highland meteorites. Lunar and Planetary Science XXXV, abstract no. 1370. Demidova S. I., Nazarov M. A., Lorenz C. A., Kurat G., Brandstätter F., and Ntaflos Th. (2007) Chemical composition of lunar meteorites and the lunar crust. Petrology 15 (4), 386-407. Fernandes V. 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