Caveat emptor
Some rocks offered for sale on the internet as meteorites are plain-old earth rocks. Really!
Below are photos and text that I have found on the internet from advertisements for rocks being sold as lunar meteorites or possible lunar meteorites. None of these rocks even look like a lunar meteorite.

This rock, described as “North American Lunar Meteorite,” was offered for sale on the internet for $7.9 million. Ridiculously high offering prices and spelling errors are field marks of meteorwrongs.
Here are the words the seller providedHere’s a terrific recipe for you! Imagine taking the finest shatter cone ever recovered from a terrestrial impact site; say Sierra Madre limestone shatter cone, and change the limestone into lunar regolith. In this case, the lunar regolith is “Osbornite,” or Titanium Nitride, along with Plagioclase Feldspar, or Anorthosite, and a sprinkle or Troilite (Iron-Sulfide). Now encase your new recipe into a meteorite, with an exterior having beautiful regmaglyptic thumb prints, ablative pits and directional-flow thread lines, along with a bit of desert varnish, terrestrail oxidation, and a dash of caliche. You now have one of the beautiful lunar specimens ever found on Earth!! Question: What was the “gunpowder” material that covered Neil Armstrong, Buss Aldrin and the cabin of the LEM, after they finished their historic first trek on the lunar surface? Answer: Seriously. You don’t have a clue? If this is the case, a little researcher on your part should help. In the meantime, we have a rock to sell. At $5,000.00 per gram, this 1.567 kg Lunar Achondrite Enstatite, is a bargain for those who know their lunars. A Certificate of Authenticity will accompany your purchase. The Australian Calcalong Creek Lunar meteorite sold for $40,000.00 per gram in 1992! What are you waiting for? Tucson? By then, this fine specimen will be in the hands of someone else! Thanks for your interest in our program & All the Best. |

This rock, described as “Lunar mars meteorite or meteorwrong,” was offered for sale on the internet for $5000.
Here are the words the seller providedI bought this as a Gobi Desert meteorite a few years ago from a guy In Thailand who Deals in all kinds of rock meteorites etc ,he told me he had sent some to Germany where it has been Classified as genuine ,I bought 2 pieces from him which he said were the last 2 ,I tried to get some more but he did not have any, Any way I have sent pieces to a number of experts High in the field They have all come back to me with different answers , I sent a piece to Switzerland where it was inconclusive and also to another museum ,no one could confirm wether this was authentic with out doing oxygen Isotopic analysis ,posted below is what I have been told ,So if you want this piece have a bid. The weight is app 4kg. … So, lets summarize what we know. 1) I am really confident that it is a real staff. Never put a 100% bet on it, but on a scale of 10 lets say 9 is an estimate of my confidence. … |

This rock, described as “North American Lunar Meteorite,”
was offered for sale on the internet for $250,000.
Here are the words the seller providedIf you are looking to avoid having NASA knocking on your door at midnight to retrieve their Lunar stone, and you wish not to get immersed in a legal confrontation with the Federal government; but you still have a yearning for a genuine Lunar stone, you’ve come to the right place. Our 187 gram, North American Lunar Anorthositic Impact Melt Breccia, will, certainly, become the centerpiece of your collection, without these concerns. Recovered in the Great State of Texas, this meteorite has everything you have ever imagined a Lunar Meteorite should have. If you are in doubt, please refer to NASA’s Lunar Meteorite Compendium, where you will find a perfect match to several meteorites recovered from Northwest Africa, Oman, and the Antarctica. All we ask, is that you do your research & due-diligence to confirm our findings. If you are not satisfied with your research, just give a buzz, and we will help you find this match. If you are going to spend $1500.00 per gram on a Lunar meteorite, we would encourage you to know, exactly, what you are purchasing. By the way, the $1500.00 per gram is not just a price we dreamed up. It is the “established” low price per gram for Lunar meteorites by the IMCA. If we were in business just for the money, we could be asking $40,000.00 per gram! If you have a problem with this pricing, you may want to contact one of the several officials of the IMCA. We will not be held responsible, now will we apologize for, the size, or of the quality of our specimens; even if they are far superior to what is on the lunar meteorite market, today. Please know, too, that you will recieve a “Certificate of Authenticity” with your purchase. You are welcome to take the meteorite & the “Certificate” to any US University lab, or research center, within 30 days of receipt of your purchase for verification. You are also welcome to take both the meteorite & the certificate to your personal attorney, should you challenge the authenticity. We welcome their input! Just be sure to have a reliable scientific source before engaging. |

This rock, described as “Possible USA match to Dhofar meteorite breccias!,” was offered for sale on the internet for more than 2 years. Initially, the cost was $750,000. Later the price is was down to $331,440. I hope nobody bought it.
Here are the words the seller provided

This rock, described as “Rare Lunar Meteorite Moon Rock Huge 3800 Grams Basalt.” The asking price was $50,000.
Here are the words the seller providedWow, here’s your chance at an incredibly rare lunar basalt meteorite, this space rock was found in Weston Connecticut back in the 50’s by my Grandfather. this meteorite is massive at 8.5 pounds, nasa values these rocks at $50000.00 a gram and on ebay it is worth approximately $3000000.00. Don’t miss your chance on this incredible basalt lunar meteorite. My gramps always told us this is a meteorite, I have sent in a piece to for documentation and authentication, I will have results and post on tuesday 19th . Thank you for looking and bidding. |

These rocks were advertised as “Meteorite: Lunar Rocks -found together” The asking price was $2,500.
Here are the words the seller providedUnclassfied Lunar Meteorites, found together 100 grams total, Great for research. |