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Earn a giftcard for today’s experiment at Sam Fox School!

Mingliang Li, a doctoral student in Sustainable Urbanism, is researching the effect of vertical façades on outdoor comfort for their dissertation.  

They plan to do a series of experiments at Sam Fox School in the next couple of months. The first experiment will be at Sam Fox School on April 14th at 1 pm.  This experiment requires 33-36 participants. they would like to invite you and your students to participate in this experiment. 

The experiment will take place in 3 locations, southeast of Weil Hall, southwest of the Art Museum, and south of Givens Hall. 11 chairs will be placed in a row in front of different walls. This row will be moved during the experiment to be at three different distances from the wall. The first row will be the closest to the wall. 

The participants will be asked to sit on a chair to get a sense of the surrounding environment and fill in a questionnaire during the experiment. The participants will sit at each site for around 20 minutes and at three sites for about 1 hour. 

Each participant can get a gift card via email after the experience. The gift cards are 15 dollars each. Please spread this information to the students. Please click on the link below to sign up if interested.