architecture community development equity urban design virtual events

Next City: SPACES & PLACES 2021: Visions of Black-led Communities Webinars

Join Next City for SPACES & PLACES 2021: Visions of Black-led Communities – a virtual film festival. The festival is pay-what-you-wish to attend.

SPACES & PLACES will assemble urbanists, planners and community leaders for a two-day event of virtual learning and exchange.

DAY 1 | August 5th | 12 pm to 1:30 pm ET

Soul City

Soul City is a planned community in North Carolina that was first proposed in 1969 by Floyd McKissick, a civil rights leader and director of the Congress of Racial Equality. Soul City was one of thirteen model city projects under the Urban Growth and New Community Development Act. Soul City was intended to be a community built and open to all races, but placed emphasis on providing opportunities for minorities and the poor.

A 30 min film screening of Soul City will be presented followed by a panel discussion.

Day 2 | August 6th | 12pm to 1:30pm ET

Freedom Hill

Princeville, NC is the first town incorporated by freed, enslaved Africans in America located in North Carolina. Before its incorporation, residents called it ‘Freedom Hill,’ gradually establishing a self-sufficient, all Black town. The historical town has been inundated with flooding over the centuries.

The session will highlight the community of Princeville including the premiere trailer of the upcoming documentary short Freedom Hill. The session will also be followed by a panelist Q+A and the opportunity for participants to break out into “deep dive” discussions on community preservation as a means to protect and strengthen culture.

Learn more and register here.