Heidi Arjes, PhD
Postdoctoral Scientist, Advised by KC Huang, Stanford University PhD Student 2009-2014

Amy Buscher, PhD
Forensic Scientist-DNA Analyst, Wisconsin State Crime Lab Postdoctoral Scientist 2005-2007

An Chun Chien, PhD
Special assistant to the President, TECA Engineering Pte. Ltd, Singapore, PhD student 2006-2012

Rosemary Emelue, PhD
Pharmacy Resident, Children’s Hospital St Louis Undergraduate Researcher 2011-2013 NIH MARC-U-STAR Fellow

Kate Fee
Medical Student, University of Missouri Kansas City, High School Research Assistant 2014-2015

Anna Cristina Garza
Resident in Preliminary Pediatrics at Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, Dermatology/Harvard Combined at Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA MD-PhD Harvard University 2017, Undergraduate Researcher 2006-2007

Steven Grigsby
MD-PhD Student, Phillips Lab, Washington University School of Medicine, Undergraduate Researcher 2013-2015, ASM Undergraduate Research Fellow

Bruce Grossman
Associate Account Manager at Northern Trust Wealth Management, Media Master 2015-2017

Daniel Haeusser, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, Canisius College, Buffalo NY, PhD student 2002-2008

Sam Herman
Undergraduate Research Assistant, Summer 2002 to Summer 2003, Washington University HHMI SURF

Robyn Jasper
Undergraduate Research Assistant, Summer 2016, BioMedRAP Scholar from University of Maryland Baltimore County

Jesse Kao
Medical Student, St. Louis University, Undergraduate Researcher 2013-2015 UStar Summer Scholar, 2015 SURF recipient

Amy Lee, PhD
Postdoctoral Scientist, Hancock Lab, University of British Columbia Masters Student 2003-2005

Qingwei Luo, PhD
Scientist IV, Downstream Process Development at Patheon, Postdoctoral Scientist 2007-2011

James Ma
Undergraduate Research Assistant
- Email: james.ma@wustl.edu
James worked with Sarah Anderson to optimize a biosensor for guanosine tetraphosphate (ppGpp), an alarmone that accumulates in bacterial cells in response to different types of environmental stress.

Teran Mickens
Undergraduate Researcher, uSTAR Scholar 2016-2018, Joint MD-MPH Student at Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine

Elizabeth Mueller, PhD
PhD Student, 2016 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Recipient, 2019-2020 CSELS Fellow
- Email: eamueller@wustl.edu
Lizzy is exploring the relationship between the environment, cell growth, and intrinsic antibiotic resistance.

Sara Sanders, PhD
Postdoctoral Scientist
As a postdoctoral scientist in the lab, Sara applied genetic and cytological strategies to dissect the regulatory circuits coupling DNA replication to cell growth and nutrient availability.

Mandira Shashank
Undergraduate Research Assistant
- Email: mshashank@wustl.edu
Mandira worked with Sara Sanders to understand the role of ribosomal frameshifting in the regulation of proteins involved in bacterial cell cycle progression.

Stephen Vadia, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Associate
- Email: svadia@wustl.edu
Stephen’s work focuses on biosynthetic links between nutrient availability, cell growth, and cell size.

Corey Westfall, PhD
Arnold O. Beckman Postdoctoral Fellow
- Email: cswestfall@go.wustl.edu
Corey is investigating the role of central carbon metabolism in the regulation of bacterial growth and morphology.

Jason Zhizhou Yang
Medical Student, Washington University School of Medicine, Undergraduate Researcher 2016-2018, BIOSURF Recipient