Summer 2023 Timeline (tentative/subject to change)*

Phase 1
Date Event Format
April 20 LEAD Program OrientationZoom
April 27All-Programs OrientationZoom
June 1- August 4LEAD Summer Training Program SessionZoom and In-person
June 1 – June 14Introductions/framing, travel preparation, and training sessionsZoom
June 16 -18Travel to Kampala, UgandaIn-person
June 19-28
Forum on Child and Adolescent Global Health Research and Capacity Building In-person at Kampala and Masaka
Phase 2
Date Event Format
June 29 – July 28 (approximately) LEAD Trainees at global research site In-person/on site
July Trainees participate in periodic virtual meetings, peer-led sessions and additional training/workshopsZoom
July 31 – August 4 Final presentations, Mock review sessions, Closing sessionsZoom
*Please note: We are thrilled to be offering in-person and on-site programming this year. However, we understand that some trainees may require some flexibility. Please contact Chelsea Hand-Sheridan ( with questions about the curriculum and format.

Phase 1

During Phase 1 of LEAD, all trainees will participate in targeted skills and knowledge-building didactic training and seminars. In addition to core seminars, trainees will work with their U.S. faculty mentors, to identify the most appropriate elective coursework for their career development selecting from coursework that is currently being offered through summer programming at Washington University in St. Louis, in Kampala, Uganda, or virtually, depending on the format planned for each year.

Core Seminars

Addressing Racial Health Disparities
Scientific Integrity & Ethical Conduct of Research (RCR)
Social Determinants of Health/Mental Health
Research Methodology
Global Mental Health: Protective and Risk Influences
Qualitative Research Methods
Matching Community Engagement to Research Objectives
Structural Theories in Mental Health Disparities
Recruitment and Retention among Vulnerable Populations
Cross-Cultural Communication in Labs (RCR)
Evaluation of Health Services Programs
Dissemination & Implementation Research
Prevention/Intervention Research
Cultural and contextual considerations in global mental health disparities research

Field-based Research Mentorship in St. Louis, Missouri 

Increase knowledge in health disparities via frontline fieldwork experiences in the St. Louis region which is among the top-ranked in the nation in regards to racial/ethnic and health disparities. Please note this component is only offered when the St. Louis portion of the curriculum is being offered. When gathering in Uganda, a field site visit component is included.

Phase 2

Field-based research experiences in the Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) region

Building on Phase 1 of the program, trainees will travel to SSA in Phase 2 to take advantage of the opportunities offered by three NIMH funded U19 level global research research sites across eight sub-Saharan African countries.  Trainees will participate in the research site’s current activities as they relate to the trainee’s research or research interests in mental health.  For example:

  • “Pre-test measures”
  • Learn how to work with research regulatory bodies including how to submit and obtain/renew IRB approvals
  • Learn about the consent process
  • Design/adapt instruments and measures