Wise eyes, kind hearts, and wild spirits: My first encounter with gorillas in Uganda

“Guess what I’m doing this weekend?” I posed this question to youth at a local Ugandan school. I connected with these youth while exploring their educational and socio-emotional needs during my LEAD global research experience. Several students asked, “What? Tell us!” “I’m going gorilla trekking at the Bwindi Impenetrable National Park!” I exclaimed. Several youths […]

Refugees Matter…Beyond June 20th (World Refugee Day)

“To be called a refugee is the opposite of an insult; it is a badge of strength, courage, and victory.” – Tennessee Office for Refugees June 20th was World Refugee Day. With more than 37.6 million people who identify as refugees (UNHCR, 2023), I am in awe of the strength, courage, and resilience of people who have […]

Uganda’s Traditional Dances: A Celebration of Joy

Rhythmic drums. Swayed hips. Angular bending of arms, legs, and torso. Stomped feet. Fluid movements. Electric smiles. Since my arrival in Uganda, I have been captivated by the rhythmic Ugandan dances. For example, the traditional dance performed by children from Kimaanya Primary School stands out to me. Before the performance, I was mesmerized by their […]