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- Gupta D, Sutherland MC, Rengasamy K, Meacham JM, Kranz RG, Bose A. Photoferrotrophs Produce a PioAB Electron Conduit for Extracellular Electron Uptake. mBio. 2019 Nov 5;10(6). pii: e02668-19. doi: 10.1128/mBio.02668-19.PMID: 31690680
- Sutherland MC, Jarodsky JM, Ovchinnikov S, Baker D, Kranz RG. Structurally Mapping Endogenous Heme in the CcmCDE Membrane Complex for Cytochrome c Biogenesis. Journal of Molecular Biology. 2018; 430(8):1065-1080. NIHMSID: NIHMS952326 PMID: 29518410 PMCID: PMC5889519 (A commentary by Iqbal Hamza on this achievement was commissioned by the JMB editor)
- Sutherland MC, Tran NL, Tillman DE, Jarodsky JM, Yuan J, Kranz RG. Structure-Function Analysis of the Bifunctional CcsBA Heme Exporter and Cytochrome c Synthetase. mBio. 2018 Dec 18;9(6). pii: e02134-18. doi: 10.1128/mBio.02134-18.PMID:30563894
- Babbitt SE, Hsu J, Mendez DL, Kranz RG. 2017. Biosynthesis of Single Thioether c-Type Cytochromes Provides Insight into Mechanisms Intrinsic to Holocytochrome c Synthase (HCCS). Biochemistry. 2017 Jul 5;56(26):3337-3346. doi: 10.1021/acs.biochem.7b00286. Epub 2017 Jun 26. PMID: 28617588
- Mendez DL, Akey IV, Akey CW, Kranz RG. 2017. Oxidized or Reduced Cytochrome c and Axial Ligand Variants All Form the Apoptosome in Vitro. Biochemistry. 2017 Jun 6;56(22):2766-2769. doi: 10.1021/acs.biochem.7b00309. Epub 2017 May 19. PMID: 28510448
- Mendez DL, Babbitt SE, King JD, D’Alessandro J, Watson MB, Blankenship RE, Mirica LM, Kranz RG. 2017. Engineered holocytochrome c synthases that biosynthesize new cytochromes c. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2017 Feb 28;114(9):2235-2240. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1615929114. Epub 2017 Feb 14. PMID: 28196881
- Babbitt SE, Hsu J, Kranz RG. 2016. Molecular Basis Behind Inability of Mitochondrial Holocytochrome c Synthase to Mature Bacterial Cytochromes: DEFINING A CRITICAL ROLE FOR CYTOCHROME c α HELIX-1. J Biol Chem. 2016 Aug 19;291(34):17523-34. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M116.741231. Epub 2016 Jul 6. PMID: 27387500.
- Sutherland MC, Rankin JA, Kranz RG. 2016. Heme Trafficking and Modifications during System I Cytochrome c Biogenesis: Insights from Heme Redox Potentials of Ccm Proteins. Biochemistry. 2016 Jun 7;55(22):3150-6. doi: 10.1021/acs.biochem.6b00427. Epub 2016 May 26. PMID: 27198710.
- Babbitt SE, Sutherland MC, Francisco BS, Mendez DL, Kranz RG. 2015 Mitochondrial cytochrome c biogenesis: no longer an enigma. Trends Biochem Sci. 2015. Aug;40(8):446-55. Review. PMID: 26073510. PMCID: PMC4509832.
- Babbitt SE, San Francisco B, Mendez DL, Lukat-Rodgers GS, Rodgers KR, Bretsnyder EC, Kranz RG. 2014. Mechanisms of Mitochondrial Holocytochrome c Synthase and the Key Roles Played by Cysteines and Histidine of the Heme Attachment Site, Cys-XX-Cys-His. J Biol Chem. Oct 17;289(42):28795-807. PMID: 25170082. PMCID: PMC4200240.
- Babbitt SE, San Francisco B, Bretsnyder EC, Kranz RG. 2014. Conserved residues of the human mitochondrial holocytochrome c synthase mediate interactions with heme. Biochemistry. 2014 Aug 19;53(32):5261-71. PMID: 25054239. PMCID: PMC4139152.
- San Francisco B, Sutherland MC, Kranz RG. 2014. The CcmFH complex is the system I holocytochrome c synthetase: engineering cytochrome c maturation independent of CcmABCDE. Mol Microbiol. Mar;91(5):996-1008. PMID: 24397552. PMCID: PMC3959880
- San Francisco Band Kranz RG. 2014. Interaction of HoloCcmE with CcmF in Heme Trafficking and Cytochrome c Biosynthesis. J Mol Biol, Feb 6;426(3):570-85. PMID: 24513106 PMCID: PMC3943652.
- San Francisco B, Bretsnyder EC and Kranz RG. 2013. Human mitochondrial holocytochrome c synthase’s heme binding, maturation determinants, and complex formation with cytochrome c. Proc Natl Acad Sci Plus USA. Feb 26;110(9):E788-97. PMID: 23150584. PMCID: PMC3587199.