JAB and Brett labs run the half marathon!!!

April 2024

It seems April was crazy, we also somehow managed to do this too 🙂

Runners and the best cheerleader Omar!
Let’s go ladies!

Lucy Cohen and Ishana Tata accepted to medical school

April 2024

Congrats to Lucy and Ishana! We are so proud of all your hard work and look forward to all the great things you’ll do as future physicians!

Ishana Tata
Lucy Cohen

Lab nominates JAB for Dean’s Impact award

April 2024

Could not be more grateful for this honor and so proud to work with this amazing group of people who support each other in achieving greatness!

Faculty were recognized as outstanding mentors and sponsors during a ceremony for the 2024 Dean’s Impact Awards at the Missouri Botanical Garden on April 30, 2024. MATT MILLER/WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE

Ghandi Hassan and Lucy Cohen receive abstract awards at Midwest Clinical and Translational Research Conference

April 2024

Congrats Ghandi and Lucy on your awesome work and oral presentations at the meeting!


Ghandi Hassan Oral Abstract Award
Lucy Cohen Trainee Abstract Award

Ghandi Hassan receives abstract award on Pulmonary Research Day

March 2024

Congrats Ghandi on your excellent work and well-deserved award!

Ethan Luo Undergraduate student joins the lab

January 2024

We welcome Ethan to the group!

Ghandi Hassan joins Center for Regenerative Medicine Postdoctoral Distinguished Scholars Program

September 2023

Congrats Ghandi for this honor!

Ghandi Hassan MD postdoc research fellow joins the lab

August 2023

We welcome Ghandi to the group!

We bid Heather Raphael a fond farewell and good luck as she starts Medical School!

June 2023

We bid Heather Raphael a fond farewell and good luck as she starts Medical School!

Morgan Payne BBSB graduate student joins the lab

June 2023

Ishana Tata graduates!

May 2023

JAB co-hosts the Midwest Clinical and Translational Research Conference

April 2023

JAB co-hosts the Midwest Clinical and Translational Research Conference

JAB Lab affiliated with Biomedical Engineering

April 2023

JAB Lab affiliated with Biomedical Engineering

JAB Lab joins Center for Regenerative Medicine

January 2023

JAB Lab joins Center for Regenerative Medicine

Lucy Cohen joins the lab as a post-bac!

November 2022

Lucy Cohen joins the lab as a post-bac!

Congrats to our Graduates!

May 2022

Heather Raphael graduates with her BS in Biomedical Engineering and will be staying on with the lab for a postbac year. Colin Kluender’s father accepted his MS degree at the Arts and Sciences Graduate Ceremony.

Funded Postdoc Position

March 2022

We are grateful to the Wash U Doris Duke Fund to Retain Clinical Scientists to support our laboratory. we are looking for a postdoc to fill this newly funded position!

Transplant Foundation grant funded!

January 2022

Our grant investigating novel serum-based biomarker assays for detection of chronic lung allograft dysfunction was funded. We are excited for the opportunity to establish a solid basic translational research program in transplantation.

JAB lab welcomes new trainee Alana Depaz, Wash U undergrad (computer science)!

January 2022

JAB lab welcomes our new senior technician and lab manager Jamie Hicks!

November 2021

Wash U ICTS transplant grant funded!

November 2021

Our grant proposing the use of novel exosome-based assays for detection of chronic lung allograft rejection has been funded. We are excited to expand our exosome work to other forms of lung disease.

JAB lab welcomes new trainee Heather Raphael Wash U undergrad (biomedical engineering)!

May 2021

NHLBI R01 awarded!

July 2020

Our grant titled “Non-Classical Cytokine Secretion in Chronic Airway Disease” has been awarded. We are excited to begin our studies of exosome-mediated cytokine secretion from airway cells and the implications of exosome signaling in COPD pathogenesis.

COVID-19 News

July 17, 2020

We’re so proud of Jen, our fearless leader!

Thankful to all the healthcare workers and beyond thrilled that the Goepel family are all doing well!

Pregnant mother of two shares her story of nearly dying from COVID-19

Welcoming our newest lab member!

April 22, 2020

The JAB Lab is thrilled to welcome graduate student Omar Osorio from the Immunology graduate program to the lab!

Ishana receives WU bioSURF award!

April 16, 2020

Congratulations to our undergraduate researcher, Ishana Tata, for receiving the prestigious WU bioSURF award for summer research!

JAB Lab receives R01 Funding!

We’re beyond excited to continue pursuing the work we’ve been doing on lung disease.

Welcoming our newest lab member!

June 10, 2019

We’ve got another one! The JAB lab would like to welcome Lasya Daggumati to the lab. Lasya is a high school student that will be exploring research over the summer!

Welcoming our newest lab member!

May 30, 2019

The JAB lab is elated to welcome our first AMGEN Scholar, Philipp Melendez, who will be working with us for the summer!

Welcoming our newest lab member!

May 22, 2019

The JAB Lab is thrilled to welcome our first graduate student, Colin Kluender from the BBSB program, to the lab!

Arjun receives WU bioSURF award!

April 9, 2019

Congratulations to our undergraduate researcher, Arjun Baronia, for receiving the prestigious WU bioSURF award for summer research!

Welcoming our newest lab member!

September 21, 2018

The JAB Lab is thrilled to welcome another undergraduate student, Arjun Baronia will be joining us from Washington University! 

JAB Lab perspective featured in The Scientist!

August 1, 2018

Jen Alexander-Brett was asked for her comments on the discovery of a new lung cell, check out the article below!

The cell type was discovered via single-cell RNA sequencing of thousands of cells in mouse and human airways and may play a role in cystic fibrosis.

Deb is off to medical school!

July 13, 2018

Wishing Deb the best of luck in her journey to becoming a physician! You’ll do great things!

Follow Us @JABLab3

We’ve made it into the 21st century! (We think…)

Welcoming our newest lab member!

June 18, 2018

Wumi Adekunle will be joining us this summer as an undergraduate student at Washington University

JAB receives Junior Physician Investigator Award!

April 20, 2018

On the behalf of the American Federation for Medical Research, Jennifer Alexander-Brett, MD, PhD was selected as the recipient of the Junior Physician Investigator Award. The award was presented to her during the Translational Science 2018 meeting in Washington DC.