Leica S8Apo Stereomicroscope
Purchased in 2011, the Leica S8Apo stereomicroscope is a cost-efficient brightfield microscope for imaging of samples in petris, multiwell plates, microscope slides and free-standing on the stage surface.
Leica S8Apo, 8:1 zoom magnification from 0.75X to 8X, coupled with a standard 10X camera magnification, yields zooms from 7.5X to 80X. Light is provided by an attached LED ring lightsource that can be sectored to provide various shadowing effects.
Leica EC3 3.1 megapixel color camera, –FPS max.
Leica LAS v 3.– with EXD (Extended Depth of Focus) added module for high resolution long working distance imaging.
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