An autonomous robotic system for high-throughput phenotyping and behavioral studies of individual fruit flies
Seung Je Woo, Cheng Huang, Joan Savall, Benjamin L Conrad, Junjie Luo, and Mark J Schnitzer. bioRxiv (2024): 2024.08.21.607451.

Dopamine-mediated interactions between short- and long-term memory dynamics
Cheng Huang*,†, Junjie Luo†, Seung Je Woo, Lucas Roitman, Jizhou Li, Vincent Pieribone, Madhuvanthi Kannan*, Ganesh Vasan*, and Mark J. Schnitzer*. Nature 634 (2024): 1141–1149. (†Equal contribution, *Corresponding author).

Wide-field fluorescence lifetime imaging of neuron spiking and sub-threshold activity in vivo
Adam J Bowman, Cheng Huang, Mark J Schnitzer, and Mark A Kasevich. Science 380 (2023): 1270-1275.

Dual polarity voltage imaging reveals subthreshold dynamics and concurrent spiking patterns of multiple neuron-types
Madhuvanthi Kannan, Ganesh Vasan, Simon Haziza, Cheng Huang, Radoslaw Chrapkiewicz, Junjie Luo, Jessica A. Cardin, Mark J. Schnitzer, and Vincent A. Pieribone. Science 378 (2022): eabm8797.

Fast, in vivo voltage imaging using a red fluorescent indicator
Madhuvanthi Kannan, Ganesh Vasan, Cheng Huang, Simon Haziza, Jin Zhong Li, Hakan Inan, Mark J. Schnitzer, and Vincent A. Pieribone. Nature Methods 15 (2018): 1108–1116.

Long-term optical brain imaging in live adult fruit flies
Cheng Huang*, Jessica R Maxey, Supriyo Sinha, Joan Savall, Yiyang Gong, and Mark J. Schnitzer*. Nature Communications 9 (2018): 872. (*Corresponding author)

High-speed recording of neural spikes in awake mice and flies with a fluorescent voltage sensor
Yiyang Gong, Cheng Huang, Jin Zhong Li, Benjamin F. Grewe, Yanping Zhang, Stephan Eismann, and Mark J. Schnitzer. High-speed recording of neural spike trains in awake mice and flies using a fluorescent voltage indicator. Science 350 (2015): 1361–1366.

Dexterous robotic manipulation of alert adult Drosophila for high-content experimentation
Joan Savall, Eric T. Ho, Cheng Huang, Jessica R. Maxey, and Mark J. Schnitzer. Nature Methods 12 (2015): 657–660.

Requirement of the combination of mushroom body γ lobe and α/β lobes for the retrieval of both aversive and appetitive early memories in Drosophila
Zhiyong Xie, Cheng Huang, Bo Ci, Lianzhang Wang, and Yi Zhong. Learning & Memory 20 (2013): 474–481.

The differential requirement of mushroom body α/β subdivisions in long-term memory retrieval in Drosophila
Cheng Huang, Pengzhi Wang, Zhiyong Xie, Lianzhang Wang, and Yi Zhong. Protein & Cell 4 (2013): 512–519.

A permissive role of mushroom body α/β core neurons in long-term memory consolidation in Drosophila
Cheng Huang†, Xingguo Zheng†, Hong Zhao†, Min Li, Pengzhi Wang, Zhiyong Xie, Lei Wang and Yi Zhong. Current Biology 22 (2012): 1981–1989 (†Equal contribution).