I am organizing an online session, titled Online Early Career Morning Session, in April 12, 2025 (Saturday). The detailed schedule is below. This is aimed for early career researchers, understood here as PhD students and undergraduates involved in research, to both hear a few presentations by experienced researchers on current research topics and also to give a talk themselves.
We have two longer talks by experts which are aimed to describe their current research area in a widely understandable way. I am very happy that this year these talks are given by:
Ben Jaye (Georgia Tech)
Irina Holmes (U Wyoming)
You can find more about the research interests of the main speakers in the linked homepages.
The expert talks are followed by somewhat shorter talks by PhD students (20min) and undergraduates (15min). It is important to understand that for undergraduates, or even beginning PhD students, research can mean many things and we are just happy to hear from you. For instance, you may have done a research project or be currently in the process of writing an honors thesis and you could share about those and related results.
You are also warmly welcome to just come to listen to the talks. But please register for the event as the Zoom link will be send via email to the registered participants.
Talks by PhD students:
Francesco D’Emilio (WashU)
Talks by undergraduates:
Luca Pryor (WashU)
Tentative Schedule:
Saturday 4/12 (Times are Central Time (CT) = local time Saint Louis)
09:00-09:05 | Welcome |
09:05-10:00 | Ben Jaye: TBA |
10:05-11:00 | Irina Holmes: TBA |
11:00-11:10 | Break |
11:10-11:30 | PhD Student talk |
11:35-11:55 | PhD Student talk |
12:00-12:20 | PhD student talk |
12:20-12:30 | Break |
12:30-12:45 | Undergraduate talk |
12:50-13:05 | Undergraduate talk |
13:10-13:25 | Undergraduate talk |
This event is associated with the NSF grant DMS-2247234.