Vote-Seeking Incentives and Investment Environments

B. Crisp, N. Jensen, G. Rosas, and T. Zeitzoff, “Vote-Seeking Incentives and Investment Environments: The Need for Credit Claiming and the Provision of Protectionism”, Electoral Studies, 29 (2), 2010. Incentives to cultivate a personal reputation encourage legislators to generate policy outcomes for which they can claim credit. We show that these incentives make themselves felt in […]

Latin American Party Systems

H. Kitschelt, K. Hawkins, J.P. Luna, G. Rosas and E. Zechmeister, Latin American Party Systems, Cambridge University Press, 2010.  

Trust in Elections and the Institutional Design of Electoral Authorities

G. Rosas, “Trust in Elections and the Institutional Design of Electoral Authorities: Evidence from Latin America”, Electoral Studies, 29 (1), 2010. It is often assumed that the institutional organization of electoral management bodies (EMB) has an impact on the credibility of elections, but this proposition has been difficult to verify empirically. I examine whether the degree […]