Published, Forthcoming, & Accepted Papers

Work, Leisure, and the Family: From the Silent generation to Millennials with Mariana Odio-Zuniga and  Prasanthi Ramakrishnan. Forthcoming Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review.

Optimal Taxation, Marriage, Home Production, and Family Labour Supply
with Andrew Shephard. Econometrica, 2019, Vol.87(1) 291-326.

Supplement to “Optimal Taxation, Marriage, Home Production, and Family Labor Supply” with Andrew Shephard. Econometrica, Vol. 87, No. 1, January 2019, 291–326.

Estimation of Dynastic Lifecycle Discrete Choice Models
with Limor Golan and Mehmet Ali Soytas, Quantitative Economics, 2018, Vol.9(3), pp. 1195-1241.

Online Appendix to ” Estimation of Dynastic Lifecycle Discrete Choice Models”
with Limor Golan and Mehmet Ali Soytas, Quantitative Economics, 2018, Vol. 9(3), pp. 1195-1241.

How well does agency theory explain executive compensation?
with Chen Li and Robert A. Miller, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review, Third Quarter 2018, pp. 201-36.

Intergenerational Mobility and the Effects of Parental Education, Time Investment, and Income on Children’s Educational Attainment.
with Limor Golan and Mehmet Ali Soytas, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review, Third Quarter 2018, pp. 281-95.

Promotion, Turnover and Compensation in the Executive Labor Market
with Limor Golan and Robert A. Miller, 2015, Econometrica, Vol. 83(6): 2293-2369.

Online Appendix for : Promotion, Turnover and Compensation in Executive Labor Market.
George-Levi Gayle, Limor Golan, and R. A. Miller, 2015, Econometrica, Vol. 83(6): 2293-2369.

Identifying and Testing Models of Managerial Compensation
with Robert A. Miller, 2015, Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 82: 1074-1118

Supplementary Appendix to: Identifying and Testing Models of Managerial Compensation
George-Levi Gaylle and Robert A. Miller, 2015, Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 82: 1074-1118.

Estimating a Dynamic Adverse Selection Model: Labor Force Experience and the Changing Gender Earnings Gap 1968-97
with Limor Golan, 2012, Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 79(1): 227-267.

Online Appendix to “Estimating a Dynamic Adverse Selection Model: Labor Force Experience and the Changing Gender Earnings Gap 1968-97”
with Limor Golan, 2012, Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 79(1): 227-267.

Gender Differences in Executive Compensation and Job Mobility
with Limor Golan and Robert A. Miller, 2012, Journal of Labor Economics, Vol. 30, No. 4: 829-871.

Online Appendix to “Gender Differences in Executive Compensation and Job Mobility”
with Limor Golan and Robert A. Miller, 2012, Journal of Labor Economics, Vol. 30, No. 4: 829-871.

The Paradox of Insider Information and Performance Pay
with Robert A. Miller, 2009, CESifo Economic Studies, Vol. 55 (3-4): 515-541.

Has Moral Hazard Become a More Important Factor in Managerial Compensation?
with Robert Miller, 2009, The American Economic Review, Vol. 95(5): 1740-1769.

Technical Appendix to “Has Moral Hazard Become a More Important Factor in Managerial Compensation?”
with Robert A. Miller, 2009, The American Economic Review, Vol. 95(5): 1740-1769.

Root-N Consistent Semi-parametric Estimators of a Dynamic Panel Sample Selection Model
With Christelle Viauroux, 2007, Journal of Econometrics, Vol. 141: 179-212.

Completed & Working Papers

What is the source of the intergenerational correlation in earnings?
with Limor Golan and Mehmet Ali Soytas, December 2018.

Interlocked Executives and Insider Board Member: An Empirical Analysis
with Limor Golan and Robert A. Miller, December 2015.

Was Sarbanes-Oxley Costly? Evidence from Optimal Contracting on CEO Compensation
with Chen Li and Robert A. Miller. (R&R at Journal of Accounting Research)

Online Appendix to: Was Sarbanes-Oxley Costly? Evidence from Optimal Contracting on CEO Compensation.
with Chen Li and Robert A. Miller.

What Accounts for the Racial Gap in Time Allocation and Intergenerational Transmission of Human Capital?
with Limor Golan and Mehmet Ali Soytas, 2015 ( R&R at The Journal of Political Economy).

Life-Cycle Fertility and Human Capital Accumulation
with Robert A. Miller, 2012

Other Publications

Which Persists More from Generation to Generation—Income or Wealth? with Andrés Hincapié. July, 2016. The Regional Economist. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.