
Childs, Geoff and Namgyal Choedup. 2019. From a Trickle to a Torrent: Education, Migration, and Social Change in a Himalayan Valley of Nepal. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Childs, Geoff. 2008. Tibetan Transitions: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on Fertility, Family Planning, and Demographic Change. Leiden: Brill.

Childs, Geoff. 2004. Tibetan Diary: From Birth to Death and Beyond in a Himalayan Valley of Nepal. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Kenneth Bauer, Geoff Childs, Sienna Craig and Andrew Fischer (eds). 2012. Development Transitions: Land, Labor and Social Policy in Tibet. Kathmandu: Himal Books.

Selected Articles

Burack, S., G. Childs, E.A. Quinn, J. Sangmo, and J. Hunleth. 2023. Drawing Out Migration:  Rural to Urban Transitions and the Re-imagined Futures of Himalayan School Children. Educational Transformations and Avenues of Learning: Anthropological Perspectives on Education in Nepal, eds. K. Valentin and U. Pradhan. Oxford University Press.

Childs, Geoff, Sienna Craig, Kristine Hildebrandt, and Christina Juenger. 2021. This Is the End: Earthquake Narratives and Buddhist Prophesies of Decline. Himalaya 41(1&2):32-49.

Childs, Geoff and Jhangchuk Sangmo. 2021. The Killing Month Ritual. Crossing Boundaries: Festschrift for Toni Huber, eds. D. Lange et al., pp.419-431. Prague: Academia.

Childs, Geoff, Melvyn C. Goldstein, Puchung Wangdui, and Namgyal Choedup. 2021. What Constitutes “Successful Aging” in a Tibetan Context? In Aging Across Cultures: Growing Old in the Non-Western World, ed. H. Selin, pp. 229-244. Cham: Springer.

Childs, Geoff. 2021. The Tibetan Stem Family in Historical Perspective. The History of the Family 26(3):482–505.

Childs, Geoff. 2021. The Zurkhang (zur khang; Adjunct House) in 1950s Kyidrong. Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines 65:5-21.

Childs, Geoff, Sienna Craig, Dubi Nanda Dhakal, Mark Donohue, and Kristine Hildebrandt. 2018. Narrating Disaster through Participatory Research: Perspectives from Post-Earthquake Nepal. Collaborative Anthropologies 10(1-2):207-236.

Childs, Geoff and Namgyal Choedup. 2018. Tibetan Obligation Contracts (gan rgya) from Nubri, Nepal. In Language, Government, and Religion in the World of the Turks: Festschrift for Larry Clark at Seventy-five, ed. Zsuzsanna Gulacsi. Turnhout: Bropols.

Craig, Sienna, Geoff Childs, and Cynthia M. Beall. 2016. Closing the Womb Door: Contraceptive Use and Fertility Transition among Culturally Tibetan Women in Highland Nepal. Maternal and Child Health Journal 20(12):2437-2450.

Childs, Geoff and Namgyal Choedup. 2015. From Servant (g.yog mo) to Disciple (slob ma): Modernity, Migration, and Evolving Life Course Options for Buddhist Nuns. In From Bhakti to Bon: Festschrift for Per Kvaerne, eds. H. Havnevik and C. Ramble, pp.171-184. Oslo: Novus.

Childs, Geoff. 2015. Renouncing the World, Renouncing the Family: The Social Consequences of Spiritual Aspirations. In The Buddhist World, ed. John Powers, pp.453-469. Taylor and Francis/Routledge.

Childs, Geoff, Sienna Craig, Cynthia M. Beall and Buddha Basnyat. 2014. Depopulating the Himalayan Highlands: Education and Outmigration from Ethnically Tibetan Communities of Nepal. Mountain Research and Development 34(2):85-94.

Childs, Geoff and Namgyal Choedup. 2014. Indigenous Management Strategies and Socioeconomic Impacts of Yartsa Gunbu (Ophiocordyceps sinensis) Harvesting in Nubri and Tsum, Nepal. Himalaya 34(1):8-22.

Childs, Geoff. 2014. Hunger, Hard Work, and Uncertainty: Tashi Döndrup Reminisces on Life and Death in a Tibetan Village. In Buddhists: Understanding Buddhism through the Lives of Practitioners, ed. Todd Lewis, pp.228-235. Malden: Wiley-Blackwell.

Goldstein and Puchung Wangdui. 2013. Balancing People, Population, and Resources in Rural Tibet. In Human-Environment Interactions: Current and Future Directions, eds. Eduardo Brondizio and Emilio Moran, pp.53-78. Dordrecht: Springer.

Childs, Geoff. 2012. Trans-Himalayan Migrations as Processes, Not Events: Towards as Theoretical Framework. In Origins and Migrations in the Extended Eastern Himalayas, eds. T. Huber and S. Blackburn, pp.11-29. Leiden: Brill.

Childs, Geoff and Andrew Quintman. 2012. Marriage, Kinship, and Inheritance in Zhi byed ri pa’s Account of Mi la ras pa’s Early Life. Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines 23:43-49.

Childs, Geoff, Melvyn C. Goldstein, and Puchung Wangdui. 2011. Externally Resident Daughters, Social Capital, and Support for the Elderly in Rural Tibet. Journal of Cross Cultural Gerontology 26(1):1-22.

Covey, Alan, Geoff Childs and Rebecca Kippen. 2011. Dynamics of Indigenous Demographic Fluctuations: Lessons from Sixteenth-Century Cusco, Peru. Current Anthropology 52(3):335-360.

Childs, Geoff, Melvyn C. Goldstein, and Puchung Wangdui. 2010. An Entrepreneurial Transition? Development and Economic Mobility in Rural Tibet. Himalaya 30(1-2):51-62. (special volume on Development in Tibet).

Goldstein, Melvyn C., Geoff Childs, and Puchung Wangdui. 2010. Beijing’s “People First” Development Initiative  for the Tibet Autonomous Region’s Rural Sector–A Case Study from the Shigatse Area. The China Journal 63:57-75.

Goldstein, Melvyn C., Geoff Childs, and Puchung Wangdui. 2008. “Going for Income”: A Longitudinal Analysis of Change in Farming Tibet, 1997-98 to 2006-07. Asian Survey 48(3):514-534.

Childs, Geoff. 2008. Tibetan Fertility Transitions: Comparisons with Europe, China, and India. Journal of the International Association of Tibetan Studies 4:1-21.

Childs, Geoff and Gareth Barkin. 2006. Reproducing Identity: Using Images to Promote Pronatalism and Endogamy among Tibetan Exiles in South Asia. Visual Anthropology Review 22(2):34-52.

Childs, Geoff. 2006. Namas (mna’ ma) and Nyelus (nyal bu): Marriage, Fertility, and Illegitimacy in Tibetan Societies. In Tibetan Borderlands, ed. P. Christiaan Klieger, pp.89-113. Leiden: Brill.

Childs, Geoff, Melvyn C. Goldstein, Ben Jiao and Cynthia M. Beall. 2005. Tibetan Fertility Transitions in China and South Asia. Population and Development Review 31(2):337-349.

Childs, Geoff. 2005. Methods, Meanings, and Representations in the Study of Past Tibetan Societies. Journal of the International Association of Tibetan Studies 1(1):1-13.

Childs, Geoff. 2005. How to Fund a Ritual: Notes on the Social Usage of the Kanjur (bKa’ –’gyur) in a Tibetan Village. Tibet Journal 30(2):41-48.

Childs, Geoff. 2004. Culture Change in the Name of Cultural Preservation Himalaya 24(1-2):31-42, Special Issue—Tibetan Peoples and Landscapes.

Childs, Geoff. 2004. Demographic Analysis of Small Populations Using the Own-Children Method. Field Methods 16(4):379-95. 

Childs, Geoff. 2003. Polyandry and Population Growth in a Historical Tibetan Society. The History of the Family 8(3):423-444.

Childs, Geoff. 2003. Names and Nicknames in Kyirong. Tibet Journal 28(3):17-28.

Childs, Geoff. 2001. Demographic Dimensions of a Land Dispute in Nubri, Nepal. American Anthropologist 103(4):1096-1113.

Childs, Geoff. 2001. Old Age Security, Religious Celibacy, and Aggregate Fertility in a Tibetan Population. Journal of Population Research 18(1):52-66.

Childs, Geoff. 2001. A Brief History of Nub-ri: Ethnic Interface, Sacred Geography, and Historical Migrations in a Himalayan Locality. Zentralasiatische Studien 31:7-29.

Childs, Geoff. 2001. Perceptions of Relative Wealth in a Tibetan Community: A Note on Research Methodology. Tibet Journal 26(2):26-38.

Childs, Geoff. 2000. Claiming the Frontier: A Note on the Incorporation of Nubri within the Borders of Nepal. Studies in Nepali History and Society 5(2):217-226.

Childs, Geoff. 2000. The 1958 sKyid grong Census: Implications for the Study of Tibetan Historical Demography. Tibet Journal 25(2): 29-41.

Childs, Geoff and Michael Walter. 2000. Tibetan Natal Horoscopes. Tibet Journal 25(1): 51-62.

Childs, Geoff. 1999. Refuge and Revitalization: Hidden Himalayan Sanctuaries (Sbas-yul) and the Preservation of Tibet’s Imperial Lineage. Acta Orientalia 60:126-158.

Childs, Geoff. 1998. A Cultural and Historical Analysis of Demographic Trends and Family Management Strategies among the Tibetans of Nubri, Nepal. Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, Depts. of Anthropology and Central Eurasian Studies. Indiana University, Bloomington.

Childs, Geoff. 1997. Householder Lamas and the Persistence of Tradition: Animal Sacrifice in Himalayan Buddhist Communities. In Tibetan Studies, ed. Helmut Krasser, 141-155. Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.