Why are there such drastic physical differences between certain breeds of dogs? Using the topics of dog behavior and genetics, you will contribute to the building of and online public resource that summarizes current scientific literature on Dog breeds.

This First Year seminar uses the topic of dog behavior and genetics to teach fundamental scientific tools and to engage students in contributing to the building of an online public resource that summarizes the scientific literature on breeds. Our first task is learning to read and dissect primary scientific literature. We parse out the difference between scientific questions, hypotheses, and predictions through a guided case-study exercise. We then apply the experience to outlining primary research articles, identifying the key components of the author’s arguments and summarizing the results and implications. The second half of the semester is spent searching the scientific literature, sorting information into the new dog breed resource, and presenting results to peers around the seminar table. Course is for first-year, non-transfer students only. Fall semester; 2.0 Units; Stan Braude, Professor of the Practice, Biology.
* This course engages first year students in discussions about current biological research. It is optional and does not replace requirements for the Biology major or for pre-health careers. See the Handbook for Biology Majors for details of Biology major requirements.