Students in this course focus on Missouri’s geology, climate, archaeology, and native mega-fauna. Multiple camping trips provide a wonderful opportunity to apply classroom concepts to Missouri’s ecosystems and ecological habitats.

Missouri’s Natural Heritage is for first year students in the Pathfinder program. We will hold many classes outdoors and learn about your home for the next four years. The Missouri survey course will cover our geology, archaeology, and native fauna, as well as restoration, and management of our diverse habitats (prairie, forest, glade, and stream) and the biology of our diverse plant and animal wildlife (arthropods, mollusks, fish, salamanders, lizards, birds, and mammals). In addition to weekly lecture and discussion, students in this class will visit sites across the state during a number of weekend field trips and weekend camping trips. Enrollment reserved for Pathfinder Fellows. Fall semester; 3.0 Units; Instructor: Stan Braude, Professor of Practice, Biology Department.

*This natural science course is offered by the Biology Department, but does not replace requirements for the Biology major or for pre-health careers. Please see the Handbook for Biology Majors for details of Biology major requirements.