Commentary on Infrastructure and Economic Stimulus (Links to an external site)
Knowledge@Wharton Magazine
Cash flow data on household consumption and income posted for public use
Based on concepts from the 2015 Review of Income and Wealth Article
Comments on a $15 per hour minimum wage (Links to an external site)
Politifact, “Fact Checking a $15 Minimum Wage”
Steve Fazzari quoted on rising consumption inequality (Links to an external site)
New York Times, “In An Age of Privilege, Not Everyone is in the Same Boat”
Recent Research on Inequality and US Macroeconomic Performance (Links to an external site)
Follow this link for a post on that summarizes recent work on rising inequality and macroeconomics.
Inequality and Consumer Spending
Front page of the Wall Street Journal
This article highlights research by Barry Cynamon and Steven Fazzari showing that consumer spending has grown dramatically more for the top 5% of the income distribution than the bottom 95% since 1989.
Fazzari: Inequality Affects Job Creation (Links to an external site)
Huffington Post
In Troubled St. Louis Area, Economist Helps Revive Sociology Department (Links to an external site)
The Chronicle of Higher Education
Fazzari to chair new sociology department in Arts & Sciences (Links to an external site)
Essential academic discipline returns after nearly 25-year hiatus
“It will start out small, but this is a significant undertaking,” Fazzari said. “The university is making a serious academic commitment to this program.”
The Middle Class is Steadily Eroding (Links to an external site)
New York Times article based on research by Sociology department chair Steve Fazzari