Becker Library

Gabriel C.L., M1

Let me preface this by admitting that Becker Library isn’t my favorite spot to study, given my talkative nature. I will say, though, that Becker is THE place to go if you really need to grind. Got a heap of Anki cards to get through? Hours upon hours of lectures to watch? Or do you just need an environment that will keep you accountable to do your work? Becker’s got you covered.

Each floor has a different vibe that can fit your study style. I usually spend my time on the first and second floors because of the bigger tables and open space. I like saying hi to people I know who are coming in or going out; it makes me feel less isolated. The third floor has cubicles for quiet studying and houses the Office of Medical Student Education. The office is always open during business hours if you ever want to drop in to talk to any of our administrators or take a little snack break at the snack cart. As you go up the floors, you can find more study spaces, so the choices are endless. The seventh floor has the best views of the Washington University Medical Campus! One last piece of advice: Stick away from the lower level if you want sunlight; having to cram for a test is already enough torture.

Carrels (On Campus)

Jessica G., M3

If you are an enthusiastic on-campus studier like me, you will love the carrels at WashU Med! I prefer to separate my living and study spaces, and the carrels are the perfect study environment away from home. There are spaces for every need — individual workstations, small conference rooms, larger classrooms (with standing desks!), and multiple common spaces with abundant natural light and stunning views of campus. Many of these areas contain whiteboards and projectors/screens to accommodate all learning styles and facilitate collaboration. One of the highlights of my school week includes watching Zoom lectures with friends in the larger classrooms. It’s amazing that we have access to spaces that enable us to safely simulate an in-person lecture during weeks when we have few in-person sessions scheduled.

The carrels address wellness needs too; on the third and fourth floors, there are student lounges with a nap pod, massage chair, cozy couches, and a kitchenette equipped with a Keurig, refrigerator, and microwave. Occasionally, there will be leftover food from events or homemade treats from classmates, which are lovely pick-me-ups. Whether you are looking for a quiet, individual study grind or a venue to study with friends, the carrels have it all. I would absolutely recommend exploring them as you acclimate to medical school!

Coffee Shops (On Campus)

Stockton T., M3

I’ve gotten pretty into studying in coffee shops, and luckily there are some good options around campus. There’s a cafe on the ground level of the Farrell Learning and Teaching Center (FLTC) that has really good coffee and food. It’s a great spot to hang out or work. There is also a Starbucks nearby, and while we all like to pretend we don’t like it, we admit they have good coffee. There’s also a local coffee shop called Kaldi’s, with one location in the Mid Campus Center building and another just eight–10 minutes from campus, that has next-level pastries.


Gabriel C.L., M1

You will be fairly acquainted with the Farrell Learning and Teaching Center (FLTC) within weeks of starting school at WashU Med. We take most of our classes in FLTC, and most of our student groups and clubs host their activities in its many meeting spaces. However, the best part of FLTC is the student lounges. Found on the third and fourth floors, the lounges provide a space for working, eating, talking, sleeping, gaming, studying — you name it! I love going there with my friends to decompress after a long day of classes. There are private group study rooms, each with at least two whiteboards that are guaranteed to have someone’s neat concept maps of lecture materials from the week. Each lounge has a napping pod for when being home isn’t an option and a massage chair to comfort you when times are tough. There are also giant televisions and comfortable couches, so you can watch your favorite shows or play games in style! Wow, I really am simping for a study space, huh?