Report Physical Accessibility Issues on Campus

  • Dean Walsh is working to set up an email system to notify students if an elevator is out of service.
  • If you ever notice that an elevator, accessibility button, or other school item is broken/nonfunctional, please follow the following protocol to report it to facility maintenance:
    • During business hours (9 to 5), please email to report it. Please include a brief description of the issue, the room number (if applicable), the floor, and the time you experienced the issue.
    • After hours, please call 314-935-5544 to report any outages.
  • You may, in addition but not in replacement to the above, email the DLC board so that we can follow up with the issue and alert the general body membership.

Important Rooms That Lack Automatic Doors

On the Second floor:
  • The Office of Student Life
  • Journal Offices
On the Third floor:
  • The Career Services Office
  • The Admissions Office
  • The Moot Court Room
  • The Quiet Study Room (Room 303)
  • The Multipurpose Rooms

Flickering Lights

We have received complaints in the past about flickering lights in the law school, and been told that such lights have caused headaches, migraines, eyestrain, and seizures. We are not aware of any rooms or specific light fixtures that currently have this issue; if you notice any such lights, please notify the law school facilities department so that they can address it.