DIFFS Steering Committee consists of the Chair, Co-Chair and all of the Chairs of the Standing Committees. The Steering Committee provides oversight, support and advice for all of DIFFS programs and events

Chair, Cheryl Holland, Education, Political Science, Sociology Librarian, University Libraries
Co-Chair, Jacqueline Carter, Diversity & Inclusion Program Manager, Olin Business

Standing Committees

Education Committee (plans and develops the implementation of educational programs)

Cheryl Holland, Education, Political Science, Sociology Librarian, University Libraries

Finance Committee (responsible for the financial management of accounts and budget)

Social Committee (responsible development of social events and activities)

Chair, Karmen Brock, Senior Coordinator of Regional Visits, Regional Development Programs, Alumni & Development

Membership Committee (responsible for recruitment of new members and recruitment drives and events)

Communication Team (responsible for communicating information about DIFFS to the campus community)

Become a Member & Join Us!

Anyone is welcome to join DIFFS. We seek membership and active participation to ensure the sustainability, institutionalization and productivity of DIFFS in the WUSTL community.

We encourage faculty and staff from all University areas to attend one of our events and meet others with an interest in diversity and inclusion on our campus.

The mission of the Diversity and Inclusion Forum for Faculty and Staff (DIFFS) at Washington University in St. Louis is to build a strong and influential community of underrepresented faculty and staff. DIFFS provides and supports educational, social and cultural competency opportunities.

DIFFs Membership Form
Committee Interests
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