Diversity and Inclusion Forum for Faculty & Staff (DIFFS) is a culturally inclusive and supportive network for all underrepresented faculty and staff at Washington University and is committed to supporting a strong equitable and inclusive environment. We welcome everyone who supports this goal.

Diffs member, Karmen Brock, seated at tabling event.  Olin School of Business Diversity Fair, Bauer Hall, September 5, 2024.
Diffs member, Karmen Brock, seated at tabling event.  Olin School of Business Diversity Fair, Bauer Hall, September 5, 2024.


We envision Washington University as a leader in diversity and inclusion efforts among institutions of higher education in the United States, where all members of the community feel welcomed and supported, and the dignity of all people is respected and valued.


Our mission is to build a strong culture of inclusion and advocate support for an influential community of underrepresented faculty and staff by creating opportunities for networking, mentoring, cultural awareness, and collaboration.

Core Values

The following core values form the foundation of DIFFS and embody the basic elements of our mission and vision.

Advocacy – advocates for the needs and concerns of the underrepresented campus community.

Encourages leadership / self-empowerment – provides opportunities for building confidence and leadership skills.

Facilitates community / collaboration – fosters and supports an environment of cooperation through building relationships and collaboration.