Chemical Transport Modeling

I use the high perfromance implementation of GEOS-Chem (GCHP), with its stretched grid facility to conduct multi-scale simulations across different spatial resolutions and temporal variations. My simulations are majorly used for : A) isolation of sources of air pollution, B) understanding composition of fine particulate matter C) intepreting remote sensing observations D) studying resolution effects of fine scale gaseous precursor estimates C) developing top-down emission estimates.
Satellite Remote Sensing

I use TROPOMI based NO2 and SO2 column observations (level 2 products) to constrain NOx and SO2 emissions from global to local scales. Air Mass Factors are obtained from GCHP.
Interpreting Ground Observations

I interpret the hourly varaition of NO2 columns using observations from Pandonia Global Network (PGN) using GCHP.
Air Qaility and Public Health

Mortality per 100,000 people associated to outdoor air pollution due to PM2.5 and ozone in 2019
I use the Global Burden of Diseases (GBD) baseline mortality and relative risk datsets to estimate the premature mortality of multiple disease end-points attributable to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) from source and fuel based sectors. I also study the long-term trends (temporal) and the evolution of mortality associated to PM2.5 from global to local scales.
Aircraft Measurements Analysis

I use the DISCOVER-AQ and KORUS-AQ insitu flight measurements of trace grace mixing ratios (concentrations) to evaluate the vertical profile of NO2 and SO2.