- Crisp, Brian F., Santiago Olivella, and Guillermos Rosas. 2020. The Chain of Representation: Preferences, Institutions, and Policy in Presidential Systems. New York: Cambridge University Press.
- Crisp, Brian F. 2000. Democratic Institutional Design: The Powers and Incentives of Venezuelan Politicians and Interest Groups. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
- Crisp, Brian F., and Patrick Cunha Silva. Forthcoming. “The Role of District Magnitude in When Women Represent Women.” British Journal of Political Science.
- Demirkaya, Betül, Patrick Cunha Silva, and Brian F. Crisp. 2022. “The Logic of Campaign Spending in Mixed-Member Electoral Systems.” Electoral Studies 79(?): 1-6.
- Cunha Silva, Patrick and Brian F. Crisp. 2022. “Ballot Spoilage as a Response to Limitations on Choice and Influence.” Party Politics. 28(3): 521-527.
- Cunha Silva, Patrick and Brian F. Crisp. 2022. “Unintended Institutional Interactions: Presidential Coattails and Gender Parity Quotas.” Political Research Quarterly. 75(3): 620-631.
- Crisp, Brian F., Benjamin Schneider, Amy Catalinac, and Taishi Muraoka. 2021. “Capturing Vote-Seeking Incentives and the Cultivation of a Personal and Party Vote.” Electoral Studies. 72(3): 1-5.
- Ainsley, Caitlin, Clifford J. Carrubba, Brian F. Crisp, Betül Demirkaya, Matthew J. Gabel, and Dino Hadzic. 2020. “Roll Call Vote Selection: Implications for the Study of Legislative Politics. American Political Science Review. 114(3): 691-706.
- Cunha Silva, Patrick, and Brian F. Crisp. 2020. “The Impact of Cuing Candidate Quality on Female Candidates.” Electoral Studies. 64: 1-10.
- Crisp, Brian F., and Betül Demirkaya. 2020. “Strategic Entry and Strategic Voting in Majoritarian Systems. The Journal of Politics. 82(1): 57-71.
- Patty, John W., Constanza Schibber, Elizabeth Penn, and Brian F. Crisp. 2019. “Valence, Elections, & Legislative Institutions.” American Journal of Political Science. 63(3): 563-576.
- Crisp, Brian F., Betul Demirkaya, Leslie Schwindt-Bayer, and Courtney Millian. 2018. “The Role of Rules in Representation: Group Membership and Electoral Incentives.” British Journal of Political Science. 48: 47-67.
- Olivella, Santiago, Kristin Kanthak, and Brian F. Crisp. 2017. “. . . And Keep Your Enemies Closer: Building Reputations for Facing Electoral Challenges.” Electoral Studies. 46: 75-86.
- Montgomery, Jacob M., Santiago Olivella, Joshua D. Potter, and Brian F. Crisp. 2015. “An Informed Forensics Approach to Detecting Vote Irregularities.” Political Analysis 23(4): 488-505.
- Crisp, Brian F., Joshua D. Potter, Santiago Olivella, and William Mishler. 2014. “Elections as Instruments for Punishing Bad Representatives and Selecting Good Ones.” Electoral Studies 34: 1-15.
- Crisp, Brian F., Santiago Olivella, Michael Malecki, and Mindy Sher. 2013. “Vote-Earning Strategies in Flexible List Systems: Seats at the Price of Unity.” Electoral Studies 32(4): 658-669.
- Crisp, Brian F., Santiago Olivella, and Joshua D. Potter. 2013. “Party-System Nationalization and the Scope of Public Policy: The Importance of Cross-District Constituencies.” Comparative Political Studies 46(4): 431-456.
- Crisp, Brian F., Joshua D. Potter, and John J.W. Lee. 2012. “Entry and Coordination in Mixed-Member Systems: A Controlled Comparison Testing the Contamination Hypothesis.” The Journal of Politics 74(2): 571-583
- Crisp, Brian F., Santiago Olivella, and Joshua D. Potter. 2012. “Characteristics of Electoral Contexts that Impede Voter Coordination.” Electoral Studies 31(1): 143-158.
- Crisp, Brian F., and Amanda Driscoll. 2012. “The Strategic Use of Legislative Voting Procedures.” Legislative Studies Quarterly 37(1): 67-97.
- Desposato, Scott W., Matt Kearney, and Brian F. Crisp. 2011. “Using Cosponsorship to Estimate Ideal Points.” Legislative Studies Quarterly 36(4): 531-565.
- Crisp, Brian F., Scott W. Desposato, and Kristin Kanthak. 2011. “Legislative Pivots, Presidential Powers, and Policy Stability.” The Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization 27(2): 426-452.
- Schwindt-Bayer, Leslie, Michael Malecki, Brian F. Crisp. 2010. “Candidate Gender and Electoral Success in Single Transferable Vote Systems.” British Journal of Political Science 40(3): 693-709.
- Crisp, Brian F., Nathan M. Jensen, Guillermo Rosas, and Thomas Zeitzoff. 2010. “Vote-Seeking Incentives and Investment Environments: The Need for Credit Claiming and the Provision of Protectionism.” Electoral Studies 29(2): 221-226.
- Crisp, Brian F., Maria C. Escobar-Lemmon, Bradford S. Jones, Mark P. Jones, and Michelle M. Taylor-Robinson. 2009. “The Electoral Connection and Legislative Committees.” The Journal of Legislative Studies 15(1): 34-50.
- Crisp, Brian F., Kathryn M. Jensen, and Yael Shomer. 2007. “Magnitude and Vote Seeking.” Electoral Studies 26(4): 727-734.
- Crisp, Brian F., 2007. “Incentives in Mixed-Member Electoral Systems: General Election Laws, Candidate Selection Procedures, and Cameral Rules.” Comparative Political Studies 40(12): 703-716.
- Crisp, Brian F., Kristin Kanthak, and Jenny Leijonhufvud. 2004. “The Reputations Legislators Build: With Whom Should Representatives Collaborate.” American Political Science Review 98(4): 703-716.
- Crisp, Brian F., and Felipe Botero. 2004. “Multi-Country Studies of Latin American Legislatures.” Legislative Studies Quarterly 29(3): 329-356.;
- Crisp, Brian F., Maria C. Escobar-Lemmon, Bradford S. Jones, Mark P. Jones, and Michelle M. Taylor-Robinson. 2004. “Vote-Seeking Incentives and Legislative Representation in Six Presidential Democracies.” The Journal of Politics 66(3): 823-46.
- Crisp, Brian F., and Scott W. Desposato. 2004. “Constituency Building in Multimember Districts: Collusion or Conflict?” The Journal of Politics 66(1): 136-156.
- Johnson, Gregg B. and Brian F. Crisp. 2003. “Mandates, Powers, and Policies.” American Journal of Political Science 47(1): 127-141.
- Crisp, Brian F., and Rachael E. Ingall. 2002. “Institutional Engineering and the Nature of Representation: Mapping the Effects of Electoral Reform in Colombia.” American Journal of Political Science 46(4): 733-748.
- Ingall, Rachael E., and Brian F. Crisp. 2001. “Determinants of Home Style: The Many Incentives for Going Home in Colombia.” Legislative Studies Quarterly 26(3): 487-511.
- Crisp, Brian F., and Michael J. Kelly. 1999. “The Socioeconomic Impacts of Structural Adjustment.” International Studies Quarterly 43(3): 533-52.
- Levine, Daniel H., and Brian F. Crisp. 1999. “Venezuela: The Character, Crisis and Possible Future of Democracy.” World Affairs 161(Winter): 123-65. (Also appears as chapter listed below.)
- Crisp, Brian F., 1998. “El Sistema Electoral Venezolano y las Relaciones Entre los Poderes Gubernmentales.” Cuestiones Políticas 21: 11-46.
- Crisp, Brian F., 1998. “Development Strategy and Regime Type: Why Doesn’t Democracy Matter?” Studies in Comparative International Development 33(1): 8-41.
- Crisp, Brian F., and Daniel H. Levine. 1998. “Democratizing the Democracy: Crisis and Reform in Venezuela.” Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs 40(2): 27-61. (Chapter reprinted in Mexico, Central and South America: New Perspectives Volume 2: Democracy)
- Crisp, Brian F., 1998. “Lessons from Economic Reform in the Venezuelan Democracy.” Latin American Research Review 33(1):7-43.
- Crisp, Brian F., 1996. “The Rigidity of Democratic Institutions and the Current Legitimacy Crisis in Venezuela.” Latin American Perspectives 23(3):30-49.
- Crisp, Brian F., Daniel H. Levine, and Juan Carlos Rey. 1996. “El Problema de Legitimidad.” Cuestiones Políticas 16:5-43. (Also appears in English as chapter listed below.)
- Crisp, Brian F., 1994. “Limitations to Democracy in Developing Capitalist Societies: The Case of Venezuela.” World Development 22:1491-1509.
- Crisp, Brian F., and Patrick Cunha Silva. 2021. “Electoral Systems and System Reform.” In The Oxford Handbook of Latin American Politics, ed. Gary Prevost and Harry Vanden. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
- Crisp, Brian F., and William Simoneau. 2018. “Constituency Service.” In The Oxford Handbook of Electoral Systems, ed. Erik Herron, Robert Pekkanen, and Matthew Shugart. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
- Crisp, Brian F., Santiago Olivella, and Joshua D. Potter. 2015. “Comparación de distintos indicadores de consolidación de sistemas de partidos.” In Sistemas de partidos en América Latina, ed. Mariano Torcal Loriente. Barcelona, Spain: Anthropos Editorial.
- Crisp, Brian F., and Constanza Figueroa-Schibber. 2014. “The Study of Legislatures in Latin America.” In The Oxford Handbook of Legislative Studies, ed. Thomas Saalfeld, Kaare Strøm, and Shane Martin. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
- Crisp, Brian F., Maria C. Escobar-Lemmon, Bradford S. Jones, Mark P. Jones, and Michelle M. Taylor-Robinson. 2012. “Vote-Seeking Incentives and Legislative Representation in Six Presidential Democracies.” In Electoral Systems, ed. David M. Farrell and Matthew S. Shugart. New York, NY: Sage Publications. (Also appears as an article listed above.)
- Taylor, Steven, Felipe Botero, and Brian F. Crisp. 2008. “Pre-Candidates, Candidates, and Presidents: Paths to the Colombian Presidency.” In Pathways to Power: Political Recruitment and Candidate Selection in Latin America, ed. Scott Morgenstern and Peter Siavelis. University Park, PA: Penn State University Press.
- Crisp, Brian F., 2006. “The Nature of Representation in Andean Legislatures and Attempts at Institutional Reengineering.” In The Crisis of Democratic Representation in the Andes, ed. Scott Mainwaring, Ana María Bejarano, and Eduardo Pizarro Leongomez. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. also appears as
- Crisp, Brian F., 2008. “La Naturaleza de la Representacion en las Legislaturas Andinas y los Intentos de Reingenieria Institucional.” In La Crisis de la Representacion Democratica en los Paises Andinos, ed. Scott Mainwaring, Ana Maria Bejarano, and Eduardo Pizarro Leongomez. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Grupo Editorial Norma.
- Crisp, Brian F., Daniel H. Levine, and José E. Molina. 2003. “The Rise and Decline of COPEI in Venezuela.” In Christian Democracy in Latin America, ed. Scott Mainwaring and Timothy R. Scully, Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. also appears as
- Crisp, Brian F., Daniel H. Levine, and José E. Molina. 2003. “El Ascenso y la Decadencia del COPEI en Venezuela.” In La Democracia Cristiana en América Latina: Conflictos y Competencia Electoral, ed. Scott Mainwaring and Timothy R. Scully, Fondo De Cultura Economica.
- Erika Moreno, Brian F. Crisp, and Matthew Soberg Shugart. 2003. “The Accountability Deficit in Latin America.” In Democratic Accountability in Latin America, ed. Scott Mainwaring and Christopher Welna, New York: Oxford University Press.
- Crisp, Brian F., and Daniel H. Levine. 2001. “Democratizing the Democracy: Crisis and Reform in Venezuela.” In Mexico, Central and South America: New Perspectives Volume 2: Democracy, ed. Jorge I Dominguez, London: Routledge. (Also appears as an article listed above.)
- Crisp, Brian F. and Gregg B. Johnson. 2001. “De instituciones que restringen a instituciones ausentes.” In Venezuela en transición: elecciones y democracia 1998-2000, ed. José Vicente Carrasquero, Thais Maingon, and Friedrich Welsch. Caracas: CDB Publicaciones.
- Crisp, Brian F., and Juan Carlos Rey. 2001. “The Sources of Electoral Reform in Venezuela.” In Mixed-member Electoral Systems: The Best of Both Worlds?, ed. Matthew Soberg Shugart and Martin P. Wattenberg, New York: Oxford University Press.
- Kulisheck, Michael, and Brian F. Crisp. 2001. “The Legislative Consequences of MMP Electoral Rules in Venezuela.” In Mixed-member Electoral Systems: The Best of Both Worlds?, ed. Matthew Soberg Shugart and Martin P. Wattenberg, Oxford University Press.
- Levine, Daniel H., and Brian F. Crisp. 1999. “Venezuela: The Character, Crisis and Possible Future of Democracy.” In Democracy in Developing Countries: Latin America, 2nd edition, ed. Larry Diamond, Juan J. Linz, Seymour Martin Lipset, and Jonathan Hartlyn. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers. (Also appears as an article listed above.)
- Crisp, Brian F. 1998. “Presidential Decree Authority in Venezuela.” In Executive Decree Authority: Calling Out the Tanks or Filling Out the Forms, ed. John M. Carey and Matthew Soberg Shugart. New York: Cambridge University Press.
- Crisp, Brian F. 1998. “Institutional Design and Compromised Legitimacy.” In Reinventing Legitimacy: Democracy and Political Change in Venezuela, ed. Damarys J. Canache and Michael R. Kulisheck. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishers.
- Crisp, Brian F. 1997. “Presidential Behavior in a System with Strong Parties: Venezuela 1958-1995.” In Presidentialism and Democracy in Latin America, ed. Scott Mainwaring and Matthew Soberg Shugart. New York: Cambridge University Press.
- Crisp, Brian F. 1997. “The Venezuelan Congress.” In World Encyclopedia of Parliaments and Legislatures , ed. George Kurian. Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly.
- Levine, Daniel H., and Brian F. Crisp. 1995. “Legitimacy, Governability, and Institutions in Venezuela.” In Lessons of the Venezuelan Experience, ed. Joseph S. Tulchin et al. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
- Crisp, Brian F., Daniel H. Levine, and Juan Carlos Rey. 1995. “The Legitimacy Problem.” In Venezuelan Democracy Under Stress, ed. Jennifer McCoy et al. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Books. (Also appears as an article listed above.)