The CML at SfN 2024

The Complex Memory Lab shared exciting research updates this week at the Society for Neuroscience annual meeting held in Chicago, IL. Adi Upadhyayula, a postdoctoral scholar in the lab, presented a talk titled “Meaningful moments during film viewing are represented and remembered similarly across participants.” Adi’s work starts off with a simple premise: he asks […]

The CML attends CNS 2024

The Complex Memory Lab recently traveled to Toronto to eat good food, catch up with friends, and share our recent work at the Cognitive Neuroscience Society annual meeting. Rayna, Savannah, Angelique, and Adi all presented posters. Ata was asked to give a surprise symposium talk when one of the other speakers was unable to make […]

Ceresa, Evie, and Veronica share their work at WashU’s Undergraduate Research Symposium

Congratulations to CML undergraduate researchers Ceresa Munjak-Khoury, Evie Chen, and Veronica Lee for excellent presentations of their work at WashU’s Spring Undergraduate Research Symposium! We are also proud to give a shout-out to CML undergraduate researcher Jahnavi Nair for presenting her work from the Attention and Performance Lab with Dr. Richard Abrams. Great job, all! […]

Veronica Lee shares her work at the MOLA Latinx Health Symposium

CML undergraduate student researcher Veronica Lee traveled to Chicago to present her independent research project, titled “Language Exposure Influences Recall Differences in Narrative Memory for Cross-Lingual Processing in Spanish-English Bilinguals,” at the Medical Organization for Latino Advancement‘s Latinx Health Symposium. Veronica’s project investigates the role of encoding and retrieval language on memory for stories in […]

The CML at LearnMem 2023

The Complex Memory Lab traveled to Huntington Beach, CA this week to eat good food, frolic along the seashore, and share our recent work at the International Conference on Learning and Memory. Zach chaired a packed symposium session titled “Episodic memory and the not-so-Default Mode Network” with talks from Zach, Alex Barnett, Janice Chen, and […]

Veronica Lee and Jacob Tartakovsky present their work at the Undergraduate Research Symposium

Congratulations to CML undergraduate researchers Veronica Lee and Jacob Tartakovsky for excellent presentations of their research projects at WashU’s Spring Undergraduate Research Symposium! Veronica’s project, titled “Differences in narrative memory for cross-lingual processing in Spanish-English bilinguals,” aims to understand how narrative memory changes if a story are read in one language and recalled in another […]

Angelique Delarazan presents her work at WUSTL’s annual Graduate Student Research Symposium

Third-year CML graduate student Angelique Delarazan shared her project, titled “Age-related changes in representing and remembering complex events,” at WashU’s annual Graduate Student Research Symposium on April 4, 2023. In this study, Angelique sought to understand how memory for complex events – in this case, an episode of the TV show Curb Your Enthusiasm – […]

Ata Karagoz presents his research at RLDM 2022

Complex Memory Lab graduate student Ata Karagoz recently traveled to Providence, RI to share his research at the Multi-disciplinary Conference on Reinforcement Learning and Decision Making (RLDM). In collaboration with Wouter Kool, Ata sought to examine how we construct cognitive maps of a given task and how we use these maps to guide goal-directed decisions. […]

The CML at CEMS 2022

Complex Memory Lab graduate students Angelique Delarazan and Ata Karagoz are traveling to Philadelphia, PA this week to share their recent work at the annual Context and Episodic Memory Symposium. Stop by their posters on Thursday, May 12th from 5-7pm Eastern time to say hello and learn more about their research! Angelique shares an update […]

Ron Fishman presents his research at WashU’s Mind, Brain, & Behavior Symposium

Ron Fishman, an undergraduate research assistant working in the Complex Memory Lab, shared his recent work today at the annual Mind, Brain, & Behavior research symposium today. Together with his mentor, Ata Karagoz, Ron analyzed recall data from participants who watched an episode of the TV sitcom Curb Your Enthusiasm. He used hand-scored recall data […]

The Complex Memory Lab at CNS 2022

The Complex Memory Lab heads to the Cognitive Neuroscience Society annual meeting in San Francisco, CA this week. Come visit our poster to hear about a new project headed by Sarah Morse assessing the influence of event boundaries at encoding in a modified mnemonic similarity task (MST). Check out a preview the poster below. If […]

Elena Bosak and Veronica Lee share their work at WashU’s Undergraduate Research Symposium

A huge congratulations to our research assistants Elena Bosak and Veronica Lee who are presenting their results at WashU’s annual Spring Undergraduate Research Symposium this week! The symposium, hosted by the Office of Undergraduate Research, is an annual celebration of our hard-working undergraduate researchers where students can share their work with the greater WashU community. […]

Zach Reagh on memory in the COVID era

Zach recently chatted with Elizabeth Bernstein at the Wall Street Journal about memory fuzziness in the COVID era. What are these “senior moments” we’re all seemingly having? Nothing really to do with brain aging, but rather a mix of stress, information overload, and the “sameness” of our lives during the pandemic. Read the article here.

The Complex Memory Lab at SfN 2021

The CML recently attended the Society for Neuroscience annual meeting, where graduate students Angelique Delarazan and Ata Karagoz presented their recent research. Their work sought to understand how the narrative structure of encoded events shapes memory for these events. They analyzed an fMRI dataset where participants watched an episode of Curb Your Enthusiam and then […]

The Complex Memory Lab at Psychonomics 2021

The CML recently attended the Psychonomic Society annual meeting, where graduate students Angelique Delarazan and Ata Karagoz presented their recent research. Angelique’s work focused on understanding the role of temporal lag in binding events into coherent memories. She asked participants to watch a short story in which a main character interacted with recurring side-characters. These […]

The Complex Memory Lab at CNS 2021

The CML recently attended the Cognitive Neuroscience Society annual meeting, where graduate students Angelique Delarazan and Ata Karagoz presented their recent research. Angelique and Ata did an excellent job fielding questions and discussing their work with the community. Angelique’s work focused on how the brain simultaneously builds memories of events and a timeline for these […]