Precision measurements of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation have revolutionized our understanding of the evolution and composition of the Universe.  Emitted just a few hundred thousand years after the Big Bang, the CMB is shaped by the structure and contents of the Universe as it travels to our instruments and also carries record of events that occurred before it was formed. 

The Nagy lab designs and builds instruments to enable more precise measurements of the CMB with a combination of balloon-borne and ground-based telescopes, including SPIDER, Taurus, and CMB-S4.  Together these experiments probe topics including the physics of inflation, the nature of dark matter and dark energy, and the properties of fundamental particles.  In the lab, her group works on many different aspects of instrumentation including low temperature detectors, optics, calibration, and data analysis.

For more information on our current projects, see the links in the menu bar on the right.

More information on joining the group can be found on the contact page.