Our group’s research is guided by one overarching question: How does a changing climate affect rainfall and ecosystems in the Earth’s tropical regions?
We focus dually on ancient and modern environments in order to provide a geologic perspective on present-day climate change, while using present-day climate change to inform the geologic past.

Recent papers, press, and news about our work
November 2023: Our paper on hydroclimate of the past two millennia has been published in Nature Geoscience. Check out the paper and press release!
September 2023: We are seeking Ph.D. students for Fall 2024! For more info, please check out our areas of research and current opportunities.
August 2023: Our new reconstruction of the Pacific Walker Circulation is out in Nature. Check out the paper and press release.
January 2023: Check out our new paper detailing the optimization of the Picarro L2140i for analysis of triple oxygen isotopes in water.
April 2021: Check out this short film, “Sacred Sediments,” about our work in the Andes!