The Carlson Lab is a dynamic, productive, and fun place to work! The lab is well equipped for intracellular and extracellular electrophysiology, neuronal imaging, histology and microscopy, behavioral experiments, phylogenetic comparative approaches, and computational modeling. There are also potential opportunities for field work in Africa and South America. Departmental facilities and collaborations with other laboratories provide additional resources in areas such as genomics and molecular biology. I welcome inquiries from highly motivated individuals at all levels who are interested in research opportunities in my lab. For more information, see the appropriate subsection below.
Undergraduate Students
There are several options available for undergraduate students interested in research. Enrolling in BIO 200/500 provides an opportunity to do research during the fall or spring semester for course credit. Paid summer research positions are available through the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship Program (SURF). Undergraduate students interested in performing research in my lab should send me an e-mail that briefly describes their interest in research and any previous research experience, as well as a copy of their most recent academic transcript (unofficial is fine). For more information on undergraduate research opportunities, click here:
There may also be opportunities for work study positions and paid summer positions in my laboratory. These positions typically involve a combination of fish husbandry and research. Interested students should contact me via e-mail to inquire about this possibility.
Graduate Studies
Information on graduate programs is available through the Division of Biology and Biomedical Sciences. I am currently accepting graduate students through three PhD programs: (1) Neurosciences, (2) Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, and (3) Computational & Systems Biology. Individuals interested in graduate study in my laboratory are encouraged to contact me via e-mail before applying to any of these programs.
Postdoctoral Research
Individuals interested in postdoctoral research are encouraged to contact me via e-mail to inquire about this possibility. Please include a brief cover letter describing your interest in the position, a CV, and a list of at least three references.