John N. Constantino, MD, is the Blanche F. Ittleson Professor of Psychiatry and Pediatrics at Washington University in St. Louis, where he directs the William Greenleaf Eliot Division of Child Psychiatry, directs an NICHD Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Center, and serves as Psychiatrist-In-Chief of St. Louis Children’s Hospital. He completed a triple board residency (Pediatrics, Psychiatry, and Child Psychiatry) at Bronx Municipal Hospital in New York and the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. His work has focused on understanding genetic and environmental influences on disorders of social development in childhood, and their implications for preventive intervention. He and his scientific team have pioneered quantitative methods for elucidating putative behavioral and neurodevelopmental endophenotypes that predict autism recurrence in families, and methods developed here for rapid behavioral phenotyping are used internationally in genetic research involving autism and related disorders.