Ramakrishna Kommagani, PhD
Understanding the cellular, biochemical, and molecular mechanisms that underlie reproductive tract function and its pathology
- Email: kommagani@nospam.wustl.edu
Assistant Professor
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Molecular Cell Biology Program
Developmental, Regenerative and Stem Cell Biology Program
Dr. Kommagani’s group is primarily focused on understanding the cellular, biochemical, and molecular mechanisms that underlie reproductive tract function and its pathology.
Specifically, we aim to address important questions concerning nuclear receptor (NR) and coregulator functions in normal physiological processes and disease states, such as endometriosis and, endocrine-related cancers. Generally, we utilize mouse models, tumor cell lines, and primary human cells isolated from human tissues in conjunction with functional genomics, and epigenomics to address aforementioned aims.
Our ongoing and future studies will aim to provide not only a broader conceptual framework for understanding the coregulator principles that underlie NR’s role in reproductive tract function and dysfunction but promise to significantly expand the scope of clinical management of reproductive tract pathologies in general.