- Bolivia in the Age of Gas (Duke 2020).
- New Languages of the State: Indigenous Resurgence and the Politics of Knowledge in Bolivia (Duke 2009)
- Ya disponible en La Paz (Plural Editores): Nuevas Lenguas del Estado: El Pueblo Guaraní y la Educación Indígena en Bolivia (con Plural Editores).
Edited Volumes
- Remapping Bolivia: Resources, Territory, and Indigeneity in a Plurinational State (with Nicole Fabricant, SAR Press, 2011)
- Rethinking Intellectuals in Latin America (with Mabel Moraña, Iberoamericana/Vervuert 2010)
Articles, Book Chapters, Essays, Blogs
Extractivism, Energy, and Bolivian Politics
“Bolivia’s Double Pandemic: A Coup and COVID-19.” Current History 120(823):50-56.
- “Continuity and Change in Bolivian Land Politics and Policy, 2005-2020.” In Continuity and Change in Bolivia, edited by Soledad Rivera. Routledge.
- “Bolivia’s Gas Boom and the Guarani: Remediation and Erasure.” In Remediating Cartographies of Erasure, edited by Bernard Perley. U. Nebraska Press, in press.
- “Bolivia’s Amazon: Power and Politics Stoking the Flames.” ReVista: Harvard Review of Latin America (April 2020).
- “The End of Gas and What’s Next for Eastern Bolivia.” Duke University Press Blog, November.
- “Bolivia’s 2020 Election: Winning is Only the Beginning for Luis Arce and the MAS.” London School of Economics Latin America and Caribbean Blog. October 21.
- “La política del gas natural y los límites de la autonomía guaraní en Bolivia: Reflexiones sobre la época de Evo Morales.” Etnografías Contemporáneas 6(11):114-132.
- “The Political Economy of Gas, Soy, and Lithium in Morales’s Bolivia.” Bolivian Studies Journal 25:45-59. (with N. Fabricant)
- “The Fall of Evo Morales.” Catalyst 4(1):105-131. (with N. Fabricant)
- “Extractivism: A Review Essay.” Latin American Perspectives 45(3):222-228.
- The New Energy Imperialism in the Caribbean. NACLA Report on the Americas 49(4):421-428.
- With Natalia Guzmán Solano. Mining Movements and Political Horizons in the Andes: Articulation, Democratization, and Worlds Otherwise. In Mining in Latin America: Critical Approaches to the “New Extraction”. Kalowatie Deonandan and Michael Dougherty, eds. New York: Routledge. In press.
- Moving Beyond the Extractivism Debate: Imagining New Social Economies. with Nicole Fabricant. NACLA Report on the Americas. Mapping the Moment
- “Amid Gas, Where is the Revolution?” NACLA Report on the Americas. Issue on Climate Debt. 46(1): 61-66.
- Fossil Knowledge Networks: Industry Strategy, Public Culture, and the Challenge for Critical Research (PDF). In Flammable Societies: Studies on the Socio-Economics of Oil and Gas. Edited by J.A. McNeish and O. Logan. London: Pluto.
- Bolivian Resource Politics. Revista: Harvard Review of Latin America, Fall 2011.
- Autonomía e articulação: o gás natural e as transformações das regiões e do poder na Bolívia e Brasil. In Izabella Missagio, ed. Regiões e Poder na América Latina. UFG: Goiania Brasil.
- When States Act Like Movements: Dismantling Local Power and ‘Seating’ Sovereignty in Bolivia. Latin American Perspectives 37(4).
- La soberanía en los tiempos del gas: territorialidades y tácticas en el sureste boliviano. Umbrales (La Paz)2009. Manipulating Cartographies: Plurinationalism, Autonomy, and Gas in Bolivia. Anthropological Quarterly 82(4):985-1016.
- “Bolivia 9/11: Bodies and Power on a Feudal Frontier.” Caterwaul Quarterly Spring-Summer 2009. (PDF)
- “Reading Bolivia in the US Press.” NACLA Report on the Americas 41(4):49-52.
- “By Means Legal and Otherwise: The Bolivian Right Regroups.” NACLA Report on the Americas 41(1): 20-25.
- Flashpoints of Sovereignty: Natural Gas and Territorial Conflict in Bolivia. In Crude Domination: An Anthropology of Oil. Andrea Behrends, Stephen Reyna, and Gunther Schlee, eds. Oxford: Berghahn Books.
Guarani Language and History
- “Was the Chiriguano a Colonial Fabrication? Linguistic Evidence for Rethinking Guaraní and Chane Histories in the Chaco.” In Reimagining the Gran Chaco: Contemporary Perspectives on Identities, Politics, and the Environment in Argentina, Bolivia, and Paraguay. Edited by M. Biocca, S. Hirsch, and P. Canova. U. Florida, in press.
- (W. F. Jullqa and A. Jiménez) “The Politics and Policy of Language Revitalization in Latin America and the Caribbean.” In Teresa McCarty and Serafin Coronel-Molina, eds. Indigenous Language Revitalization in the Americas. New York: Routledge.
- Guarani. In Las Lenguas de Bolivia. Tomo III: Oriente. Mily Crevels and Pieter Muysken, eds. La Paz: Plural Editores. Pp. 307-369.
- “Intercultural Bilingual Education in the Andes: Political Change, New Challenges, and Future Directions.” In Regina Cortina, ed. The Education of Indigenous Citizens in Latin America. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
- La educación y el resurgimiento indígena en Bolivia: desafíos al proyecto de descolonización. In Mabel Moraña, ed. Cultura y Cambio Social: Proceedings of the South by Midwest I. Madrid/Frankfurt: Iberoaméricana/Vervuert.
- Spectacles of Autonomy and Crisis, Or, What Bulls and Beauty Queens Have to do With Regionalism in Eastern Bolivia Journal of Latin American Anthropology 11(2):351-379.
- También disponible en español. Published in Spanish as: Gustafson, B. 2008. “Espectáculos de Autonomia y Crisis: O, lo que los toros y las reinas tienen que ver con el regionalismo en Bolivia” Revista Willka 2(2), Special issue on Racismo y Elites Criollos en Bolivia. Revista Semestral, University of El Alto, Bolivia.
- El concepto de “red” y los conocimientos indígenas en la EIB. Qinasay: Revista de Educación Intercultural Bilingüe (Cochabamba, Bolivia). 2(1):7-22.
- “The Paradoxes of Liberal Indigenism: Indigenous Movements, State Processes, and Intercultural Reformism in Bolivia.” In The Politics of Ethnicity: Indigenous Peoples in Latin American States. Edited by David Maybury-Lewis. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Pp. 267-306.
- “Guarani.” In Diccionario Histórico de Bolivia. Josep M. Barnadas, ed. Sucre (Bolivia): Grupo de Estudios Históricos.
- Quechua. Quichua. Aymara. Diablada. Encyclopedia of Contemporary Latin American and Caribbean Cultures. Daniel Balderston, et al. eds. New York: Routledge.
- “Guarani Education Politics and Multicultural State-Making in Bolivia.” Cultural Survival Quarterly 22(1):20-21.
- Galdames, V., A.Walqui, and B. Gustafson. 2005. La Enseñanza de Lenguas Indígenas en la Educación Bilingüe. La Paz: PROEIB Andes/INWENT. (Published in French, 2004. L’école Vivant: Enseigner la langue maternelle dans un programme d’éducation bilingüe. Daouda, Senegal: INWENT.) (143pp).
- Robles, T., B. Gustafson and F. Rojas. 2002. Necesidades Básicas de Aprendizaje: Area Guarani. La Paz (Bolivia): Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deportes. [Basic Educational Needs: Guarani Area]. (122 pp.)
- Gustafson, B., L. Gutiérrez, and S. Manuel. 1998. Ñeereñii. La Paz: UNICEF. [The Flowering Word, a social history written in the Guarani language]. (132 pp.)
- Gustafson, B. 1996. Ñee: introducción al estudio lingüístico del idioma guaraní, para guaraní hablantes. La Paz: APG/UNICEF/TEKO-Guaraní. [Language: An Introduction to the Linguistic Study of the Guarani Language, for Guarani Speakers]. (170 pp.)
- Gustafson, B. 1996. Guía para el estudio de nuestras lenguas y nuestras culturas. La Paz: UNICEF. (123 pp.)