Here we are, ready to wrap up the calendar year. The latter half of 2024 got so busy that it’s been a long while since we shared a group update. But a lot has happened, so here is a quick recap of the latter half of 2024 as we welcome 2025. Over the summer, the […]
Category: News
PhD qualifiers
Graduate students Nathan and Bryce passed their grueling PhD quals this week. Congratulations! Per aspera ad astra.
Roman APT Hack Day and GSAW2024
This week we gathered to celebrate our first graduate student appreciation week, experimenting with how to hook the bowling ball. Group member Bryce Wedig also participated in the Astronomer’s Proposal Tool (APT) Hack Day at STScI to test out the new version of the APT designed for observations with Roman.
NASA TOPS Symposium
Some of our group members recently participated in the NASA TOPS Symposium held between February 27-29 at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. It’s been a memorable week celebrating the JWST Cycle 3 selections, chasing alligators, watching a live rocket launch, and discussing open science. PI Tansu Daylan presented ExoCore, the open science curriculum we […]
AAS243 Meeting
Last week, our group attended AAS243 in New Orleans and ExoPAG 29 just before it. AAS243 was the first AAS meeting of graduate students Nathan Whitsett and Bryce Wedig, who presented preliminary results from our ongoing work. In particular, Bryce presented our pipeline to simulate strong lens images using the Wide-Field Instrument on the upcoming […]
Hello world!
Following our accretion during our first semester in Fall 2023, our website is now up! Nevertheless, parts of our website will continue to be under development as we establish our group.