Below are the publications led by the students and postdocs in our group since August 2023 when AstroMusers started its accretion process.
- Vlahakis, Daylan, et al., accepted, Designing a Near-Earth Asteroid Survey for a Telescope in Geosynchronous Orbit
- Wedig, Daylan, et al. submitted, The Roman View of Strong Lenses
- Kaya & Daylan, submitted, On the prospects of radio searches for extrasolar aurorae polaris toward characterizing exoplanetary magnetism
- Whitsett & Daylan. in prep, Induced flares from the TESS mission
- Esmer & Daylan, in prep, Occurrence Rates of Circumbinary Brown Dwarfs and Planets Using Eclipse Timing Variations
The publications of the PI are listed on Google Scholar and NASA ADS.