Subarachnoid hemorrhage

Our procedure is a standardized mouse model of subarachnoid hemorrhage by intraluminal Circle of Willis perforation. Vessel perforation and subarachnoid bleeding are monitored by intracranial pressure monitoring. In addition various vital parameters are recorded and controlled to maintain physiologic conditions.

Cost: $118 before Hope Center Member subsidy.

Post-Operative care

This procedure will cause the rodent to experience a moderate pain level. Your animal will be given buprenorphine SR, which will provide pain relief for 72 hours.

The following is the responsibility of the client and not included in procedure price.
For an additional fee, surgery core personnel will complete the following tasks and fill out the required DCM documentation (surgical record cards).

Following surgery, mice may develop pain due to the SAH. Some of the mice will develop vasospasm of the cerebral arteries, which may subsequently lead to brain ischemia. The animals with stroke usually do not appear to suffer from any physical discomfort or pain. The cerebral cortex affected by ischemic insult is not known to generate chronic pain. In rare instances, some animals may develop seizures in which case  they should be euthanized.

Rodent Post-Surgical Monitoring Card

Required for every surgical procedure, is the responsibility of the researcher and must be kept for 2 years.

Card Instructions

  • Monitor for 12-24 hours for signs of pain and distress such as shaking, lethargy, chewing of tail, arched back, lack of grooming, etc.
  • Check surgical wounds for infection.
  • Mark the green card daily for 2 time points and note the date sutures are removed on the front of the card. The card must remain on the cage until the sutures are removed in 7-10 days.

Keep the card for 2 years.

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