Blood vessel cannulation

Cannulation is used for long-term sampling or multiple sampling over a relatively short time period. Catheters reduce the stress and discomfort associated with multiple sampling techniques such as repeated restraint and needle stick. In addition to blood sampling, catheterization should be considered for repeated substance administration or continuous ambulatory infusion.

  • carotid
  • femoral
  • jugular
  • hepatic
  • portal

Cost: $89 before Hope Center member subsidy for single carotid, femoral or jugular cannulation 

Post-Operative care

Carotid, Femoral, Jugular. This procedure will cause the rodent to experience a mild pain level. Your animal will be given buprenorphine, which will provide pain relief for 8-12 hours.

Hepatic, Portal

This procedure will cause the rodent to experience a moderate pain level. Your animal will be given buprenorphine SR, which will provide pain relief for 72 hours.

The following is the responsibility of the client and not included in procedure price.
For an additional fee, surgery core personnel will complete the following tasks and fill out the required DCM documentation (surgical record cards).

Animals should be housed individually after surgery.

The catheter should be flushed with sterile saline every 3-4 days.

Rodent Post Surgical Monitoring Card

Required for every surgical procedure, is the responsibility of the researcher and must be kept for 2 years.

Card Instructions for Hepatic and Portal Cannulation.

  • Monitor for 12-24 hrs for signs of pain and distress such as shaking, lethargy, chewing of tail, arched back, lack of grooming, etc.
  • Check surgical wounds for infection and that the cannula is clean.
  • Mark the green card daily for 2 time points and note the date the sutures are to be removed on the front of the card. The card must remain on the cage until the sutures are removed in 7-10 days.
  • Keep the card for 2 years.

Hazardous Materials Card

Required if administering hazardous substances.

Card Instructions

Place the animal in a clean cage after it recovers from surgery.

DCM will not change the cage or directly handle any animals that have been exposed to hazardous materials while the red card is on the cage. They will add food or water as necessary. The experimenter is responsible for changing the cage until the card is removed 3 days after the last administration of the hazardous compound.

Once the red card is removed, change the cage and place soiled cage into an autoclave or biohazard bag. Ask your animal facility staff where they want the cage left for disinfection.

Special Instructions Card

Multi-purpose PI instructions to caretaker. Examples include fasting, special feed, special water, single housing, do not change cage, euthanasia, or other request as noted.

Download a printable PDF of these instructions  >>