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“女性与战争:抗美援朝文学的性别书写与国际主义想象” (Female Images and War Imaginary in China’s Popular Literature about the Korean War, 1950-1953), forthcoming in 圆桌 (Round Table), vol. 3 (spring/summer 2017).
“回应/交锋:性别、革命、内卷化与历史书写” (Response/Challenge: Gender, Revolution, and the Writing of History), 圆桌 (Round Table), vol. 2 (fall/winter 2016): 219-230.
“革命文化盛宴中的暗流与杂音” (Revolutionary Cultural Spectacle: Undercurrents and Statics), 文化研究:社会主义文化专辑 (Journal of Cultural Studies – Special Issue on Chinese Socialist Culture), vol. 24 (spring 2016): 97-103.
“政治、宣传与文艺:冷战时期‘中朝同盟’关系的建构” (Politics, Propaganda, and Popular Literature: Remaking the North Korea Ally in Revolutionary China), 文化研究:社会主义文化专辑 (Journal of Cultural Studies – Special Issue on Chinese Socialist Culture), vol. 24 (spring 2016): 104-124.
“Wayward Daughters: Sex, Family, and Law in Early Twentieth-Century Beijing.” In Chinese Law: Knowledge, Practice, and Transformation, 1530s to 1950s, edited by Madeleine Zelin and Li Chen, pp. 176-203. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 2015.
“Female Workers, Political Mobilization, and the Meaning of Revolutionary Citizenship in Beijing, 1948-1950.” Frontiers of History in China, vol. 9, no. 4 (2014): 558-583.
“法律与风俗:从北平地方法院重婚案件审判档案看民国时期国家对婚姻行为的干预与调适” (Managing Marriages: Customary Nuptials, Law, and State Power in Republican China through the Lens of Bigamy Cases Preserved at Beijing District Court). In 清代民国司法档案与北京地区法制 (Qing and Republican Legal Archives in Beijing: Utilizing Legal Sources and Doing Research), edited by 中国政法大学法律古籍整理研究所, pp. 156-216. Beijing: Zhongguo Zhengfa daxue chubanshe, 2014.
“‘Writing History in a Digital Age’: The New Qing History Project and the Digitization of Qing Archives,” co-author Liping Mao, History Compass, vol. 66 (2012): 1-8.
“Introduction: Remolding the Chinese Society: People, Cadres, and Mass Campaigns in the 1950s and 60s,” Frontiers of History in China: Special Issue on People, Cadres, and Mass Campaigns in the 1950s and 60s, vol. 7, no. 4 (2012): 495-498.
“Individual Agency and Social Networking in Modern Chinese Cities,” Journal of Urban History, vol. 36, no. 5 (2010): 729-741.
“Down the Alleyway: Courtyard Tenements and Women’s Networks in 1940s Beijing,” Journal of Urban History, vol. 36, no. 2 (2010): 151-172.
“女性与职业:近代中国职业概念的社会透视” (Women and zhiye: Conceptualizing Women’s Employment in Early Twentieth-century China). In 新史学:文化史研究再出发 (New History: Remapping Chinese Cultural History), edited by 黄兴涛, pp. 21-56. Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 2010.
“前言:18世纪以后的历史” (Introduction: Chinese History after the Eighteenth Century), co-author Nianqun Yang, 清史译丛·走向19世纪:罗威廉教授专刊 (Qing History Overseas Research: Special Issue in Honor of Prof. William T. Rowe), vol. 9 (2010): 1-9.
“Runaway Wives and Their Matchmakers: Women’s Network in Beijing’s Courtyard Tenement, 1928-1949.” In Social and Cultural Research Occasional Papers, published jointly by Center for Qualitative Social Research at Department of Sociology in Hong Kong Shue Yan University and East Asian Studies Program at Pace University in New York, 2008, pp. 1-46.
“Writing History in a Prosperous Age: The New Qing History Project,” Late Imperial China, vol. 29, no. 1 (2008): 120-145.
“诱拐的命运:20世纪四十年代北京的男女交际、传统礼教和法律原则” (Tales of Seduction: Courting, Gender Norms, and Legal Principles in 1940s Beijing). In 新史学:感觉、图像、叙事 (New History: Sense, Image, and Narratives), edited by 杨念群 , pp. 296-330. Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 2007.
“The Anti-Christian Campaign and Imperial Control in Eighteenth-Century China,” Asia Pacific: Perspectives – Special Issue on Church, State, and Community in East Asia, vol. 5, no. 1 (2004): 18-20.
“司法理念和社会观念:民国北平地区妇女 ‘背夫潜逃’ 现象研究” (Legal Concept and Social Reality: Wifely Desertion in Wartime Beijing), 法律史学研究 (Journal of Legal History), vol. 1 (2004): 212-229.
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“中国第一历史档案馆藏乾隆朝查禁天主教档案述论” (Imperial Documents of the Anti-Christian Campaigns in Qianlong’s Reign, 1736-1795), 历史档案 (Historical Archives), vol. 2 (1998): 85-89.
“乾隆朝地方高级官员与查禁天主教事件” (Provincial Officials and the Anti-Christian Campaigns during Qianlong Period, 1736-1795), 清史研究 (Journal of Qing History), vol. 4 (1998): 55-63.