• 美国中国学研究新趋向 (China Studies in the United States: New Approaches), Beijing Academy of Social Sciences 北京市社会科学院, Beijing (June 15, 2017).
  • 从“高丽棒子”到中朝同盟:左翼文学中“朝鲜叙事”的再建构 (From “Korean Thugs” to Revolutionary Ally: The “Korean Narrative” in China’s Left-wing Literature), Department of Chinese Literature, Fudan University复旦大学, Shanghai (May 31, 2017).
  • “Revolution Goes Global: Re-inventing the North Korean Ally in China’s Popular Culture at War, 1950-1953,” paper presented at the International Conference on “Sights and Sounds of the Cold War in the Sinophone World,” Washington University in St. Louis (March 25-26, 2017).
  • “Reporting Beijing: The Construction of China in US Media,” paper presented at the Shanghai City Forum 上海城市论坛, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences 上海市社会科学院 (October 20, 2016).
  • “Korean Thugs: Historical Memory and the Sino-Korean Relations in Revolutionary Beijing,” History Department, University of Utah (October 7, 2016).
  • “抗战记忆”中的朝鲜形象与近代中朝关系 (Korea in Chinese Memory of the Anti-Japanese War and the Evolution of Sino-Korean Relationship), paper presented at the International Conference on “War and Society in Modern China,” University of Washington, Seattle (July 23-24, 2016).
  • 书生的尴尬:抗美援朝运动中的巴金 (Writer at War: Ba Jin and the Korean War Movement), Department of Chinese Literature, Fujian Normal University 福建师范大学, Fuzhou (May 24, 2016), Capital Normal University 首都师范大学, Beijing (May 26, 2016).
  •  “War Remembered, Revolution Forgotten: Recasting the Sino-North Korean Alliance in China’s Post-socialist Media State,” History Department General Seminar, Johns Hopkins University (March 7, 2016).
  • 革命战争与国际主义想象:抗美援朝题材文艺作品中的“朝鲜叙事” (Revolutionary War and Internationalist Imaginary: The “Korean Narrative” in China’s Popular Literature during the Cold War), Department of Chinese Literature, Peking University 北京大学, Beijing (December 17, 2015).
  • “Writing the Unspeakable: Soldiers, Sex, and Popular Literature about the Korean War in 1950s China,” workshop on “Chinese Views of the Global Order: Theory and Practice,” SUNY-Geneseo, Geneseo NY. (October 2, 2015).
  • “Writing the Unspeakable: Soldiers, Sex, and Popular Literature about the Korean War in 1950s China,” paper presented at the International Conference on 中国革命中的性别与女性解放 (Sex and Sexuality in Chinese Revolutions), East China Normal University 华东师范大学, Shanghai (September 6, 2015).
  • 革命战争、性别书写、国际主义想象:抗美援朝文学作品中的朝鲜叙事 (Revolutionary War, Sexual Desire, and Internationalist Politics: The Korean Narrative in Chinese Cold War Literature), paper presented at the International Workshop on 海客谈瀛洲:近代以来中国人的世界想象 (China Imagining the World, 1839-1978), Fudan University 复旦大学, Shanghai (June 21, 2015).
  • 重塑城市犯罪空间:战争时期北京地区的人口流动与妇女生存策略 (The Making of Urban Criminal Space: Migration, Mobility, and Women’s Survival Strategies in Wartime Beijing), paper presented at the International Conference on 中国的“双城记”:比较视野下的北京与上海城市历史 (A Tale of Two Cities in China: Comparing Beijing and Shanghai), Beijing Academy of Social Sciences 北京市社会科学院, Beijing (June 14, 2015).
  • “War Remembered, Revolution Forgotten: Coming to Terms with the North Korean Ally in Post-socialist China,” East Asia: Transregional Histories Lecture Series, University of Chicago (March 17, 2015).
  • 不贞之女:20世纪早期北京的性别、家庭与法律 (Wayward Daughters: Sex, Family, and Law in Early Twentieth-Century Beijing), Institute of Modern Chinese History, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 中国社会科学院, Beijing (June 17, 2014).
  • 冷战时期中国的国际想象:记录影像中的朝鲜战争 (Memory Lost: Remembering the Korean War in Post-Revolutionary China), Dandong College 丹东学院, Liaoning Province (June 7, 2014); Communication University of China 中国传媒大学, Beijing (June 14, 2014); Capital Normal University 首都师范大学, Beijing (June 17, 2014).
  • “Embracing the North Korean Ally: Politics and Popular Culture in Cold War China,” paper presented at History Colloquium, History Department at Washington University in St. Louis (October 16, 2013).
  • 城市的灰暗角落:近代北京城市变迁与下层妇女的生存手段 (City’s Dark Corner: Survival and Crimes in Beijing’s Tenement Neighborhood), Beijing Academy of Social Sciences 北京市社会科学院, Beijing (June 17, 2013); Institute of Cultural Studies at Capital Normal University 首都师范大学, Beijing, (June 24, 2013); Institute of Literature, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences 上海市社会科学院 (July 2, 2013).
  • 新中国文艺创作中的“朝鲜叙事”与冷战时期中朝同盟关系的建构 (Imagining the North Korean Ally in the Cold War China’s Popular Literature), paper presented at the International Workshop on 冷战时期的中美关系:历史叙事、文学想象、政治未来 (Sino-American Relations in Cold War Years: Historical Narrative, Literary Imagery, and Political Prospect), Fudan University 复旦大学 (June 29, 2013).
  • 城市的灰暗角落:近代北京城市变迁与下层妇女的生存手段 (City’s Dark Corner: Survival and Crimes in Beijing’s Tenement Neighborhood), “Gender and Class in Wartime Beijing’s Courtyard Tenements,” paper presented at the Workshop on 重新思考中国城市:比较视野下的都市研究 (China’s Urban Studies: A Comparative Perspective), sponsored by Harvard-Yenching Institute, Hong Kong University, and East China Normal University 华东师范大学, Shanghai (June 15, 2013).
  • “Sexing Chinese Law: Runaway Daughters, Parental Authority, and the Legal Reform in Early Twentieth-Century China,” East Asian Studies Program at Grand Valley State University, Michigan (April 11, 2013).
  • “Wayward Daughters: Sex, Family, and Law in Early Twentieth-Century Beijing,” paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association, New Orleans (January 5, 2013).
  • 战争、文学与文艺政策:抗美援朝时期的“文娱武器”与政治宣传 (Culturing the Korean War: Popular Culture, Political Propaganda, and the Making of Revolutionary War Campaign in Early 1950s China), Institute of Cultural Studies, Capital Normal University首都师范大学, Beijing (December 11, 2012); Department of Chinese Literature, Fudan University复旦大学, Shanghai (December 18, 2012).
  • 想象的战争:抗美援朝运动中的流言蜚语与政治宣传 (The Imagined War: Rumor-mongering and Political Propaganda during the Resist America Aid Korea Campaign in Early 1950s China), Department of History, Capital Normal University复旦大学, Beijing (December 13, 2012); Department of Political Science, East China Normal University 华东师范大学 (December 17, 2012).
  • “Wayward Daughters: Sex, Family, and Law in Early Twentieth-Century Beijing,” paper presented at Fall Colloquium Series of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program at Washington University in St. Louis (November 29, 2012).
  • 生活在法律的边缘:从刑事档案看清末以来国家对婚姻行为的干预与调适 (Living on the Margins of Society and Law: Marriage, Law, and State in Early Twentieth-Century Beijing), paper presented at the International Conference on 清帝逊位与民国肇建一百周年 (the Centennial Anniversary of the End of Qing Dynasty and the Establishment of the Republic of China), Renmin University of China 中国人民大学, Beijing (June 16, 2012).
  • Panel Chair and Discussant: “China in the 1950s: Revisiting the Formative Years of the People’s Republic,” The Joint International Conference of the Historical Society for Twentieth-Century China (HSTCC) and the Center for Chiang Kai-shek and Modern Chinese History at Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China (June 8, 2012).
  • The Emotional Cost of War: Women and the Politics of Dependency in Wartime Beijing,” paper presented at the International Conference on “War, Violence, and Their Aftermath: Historical Memory, Literary Imagination, and Cultural Turn,” Washington University in St. Louis (April 6, 2012).
  • “Customary Nuptials, Serial Marriages, and the Civil Code in Republican China,” paper presented at the Mid-Atlantic Region Association for Asian Studies, Princeton (October 2011).
  • “Mass Campaigns and Women Workers in 1949 Beijing,” paper presented at the New York Conference of Asian Studies, Buffalo (September 2011).
  • “Mobilizing Women and Creating Socialist Neighborhood in Beijing, 1949-1952,” paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of Asian Studies, Honolulu (April 2011).
  • Women, Crime, and Social Networks in Early Twentieth-Century Beijings Neighborhood,” paper presented at “Reconsider the City: A Conference on Urban History,” SUNY-Fredonia (April 24, 2010).
  • “Women in the Neighborhoods: Serial Marriage and the Legality of Rituals in Early TwentiethCentury Beijing,” paper presented at the Left Forum, New York (April 19, 2009).
  • Crime and Urban Social Order in Republican China,” paper presented at “Law, Society, and Culture in Asian History Seminar Series,” Baldy Center for Law and Social Policy, SUNY-Buffalo (March 17, 2009).
  • Transgressing the Boundaries: A Story of a Female Abductor in Early Twentieth-Century Beijing,” paper presented at Asia at Noon, Asian Studies Program, SUNY-Buffalo (April 2008).
  • “Down the Alleyway: Courtyard Tenements and Women’s Networks in 1940s Beijing,” paper presented at the Traditional China Seminar, Columbia University, New York (March 27, 2008).
  • “Beijing before the Olympics: Urban History and Politics,” paper presented at the Department of History and the East Asian Program, Pace University, New York (March 27, 2008).
  • “Bigamy, Wedding Customs, and the Civil Code in Republican Beijing,” paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of Asian Studies, Chicago (March 2005).
  • “Individual Livelihood and Family Integrity: Criminalizing Runaway Wives in Republican China,” paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association, Seattle (January 2005).
  • “Recreation, Romance, and Urban Space in 1940’s Beijing,” paper presented at the Comparative and World History Seminar, Johns Hopkins University (2004).
  • “Moral Economy and Low-Income Family Structure in Republican Beijing,” paper presented at the Graduate Students Workshop, The Program for the Study of Women, Gender and Sexuality, Johns Hopkins University (2003).
  • “‘Looking for a Master’: Runaway Wives in Republican Beijing, 1920-1949,” paper presented at the Mid-Atlantic Region Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference, The George Washington University, Washington D. C. (October 2003).
  • “Anxiety and Prosperity: The Anti-Christian Campaign and Political Culture in the Late Eighteenth Century China,” paper presented at the Annual Conference of Graduate Students of Asian Studies, Columbia University, New York (February 2001).
  • “Provincial officials and the anti-Christian campaigns during Qianlong period, 1736-1795,” paper presented at the Young Scholars of Eighteenth-Century Studies seminar at Saarbrucken in Germany in July 1999 and the Congress of the International Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies at Dublin in Ireland (August 1999).