Shear-Wave Splitting Beneath MOMA
Shear wave splitting measurements were taken at MOMA and other eastern North American stations to examine the continental keel and patterns of mantle flow. [Fouch et al., 2000]
For related work, go to Matt Fouch’s Web Page.
Anisotropy at the Base of the Mantle from SHdiff/SVdiff Waves
Differences bewteen the SHdiff and SVdiff waves observed at MOMA stations are used to examine the horizontal and vertical anisotropic variations in the D” layer beneath the mid-Pacific. [Fouch et al., 2001] [Fouch et al., 2002]
Using SPdiffKS Waves to Examine the D” ULVZ
For related work, go to Karen Fischer’s Web Page.
Crustal Thickness Variations Across MOMA
Receiver functions are used to examine the lateral variation of the crust across the MOMA array. [Li et al., 2002]
For related work, go to Aibing Li’s Web Page.
Mantle Discontinuity Depth Variations Beneath MOMA
Converted phases are used to map out the change in mantle discontinuity topography in relation to the location of the Farallon slab. [Li et al., 1998]