
As the first WashU student organization dedicated to academic legal research in particular, WashU Legal Scholar Association  (WULSA) brings JSD students, visiting scholars, and any students interested in academic research together. We are committed to building a solid, cooperative, and inclusive academic community.

Article I: Name & Purpose

1.    Name:

             The name of the organization is WashU Legal Scholar Association (WULSA).

      2.    Purpose:

             WashU Legal Scholar Association (WULSA) is committed to providing an exclusive platform for information sharing of publishing and employment opportunities in academia.

Article II: General Membership

      1.   The general membership of WashU Legal Scholar Association is open to all students, regardless of their personal beliefs, who demonstrate an interest in learning about academic legal research.

      2.    WashU Legal Scholar Association does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, religion, age, national origin, sexual orientation, or physical, mental, emotional, or learning disabilities.

Article III: Officers

      1.    Titles:

                  a.    The officers of WULSA shall consist of at least one President, one Treasurer, and  several Executive Member(s).

                  b.    The President can make available more positions as they see fit, which will be filled in accordance with Section 3 of this Article.

      2.    Powers & Duties:

             The Executive Board shall

                  a.    Select meeting times and places;

                  b.    Create and Maintain an event calendar;    

                  c.    Work to achieve any group goals of WULSA;

                  d.    Perform all duties pertaining to their position;

                  e.    Be matriculated students at the School of Law.

      3.    Selection & Removal of Officers:

                   a.    Qualifications

                              i.    Any student member of WULSA is an eligible candidate.

                             ii.   There is no limit to the number of consecutive terms an officer may serve, but an officer may only hold one position per semester, unless there are no other candidates.

                    b.    Selection

                                i.    Each officer shall be elected in the Spring Semester and shall serve until a successor is elected, or they resign, or are removed from office.

                                ii.   A President shall announce the selection process in the Spring Semester.

                               iii.   Candidates interested in filling an officer position must alert a President to be put on the ballot.

                               iv.    A vote shall be taken by the members via an internet poll, for which a link will be provided to all members, and the candidates with the most votes shall be considered elected to the position for which they ran.

                     c.    Removal from Office

                                 i.    An officer who fails to comply with the duties of their position as listed in this Constitution may be removed by a two-thirds majority vote of WULSA members.

      4.    Appointments:

             Other officers and their specified duties may be appointed by a President as needed.

Article IV: Vacancies

      1.    Impromptu elections can be held throughout the year as necessary to fill officer positions should positions become vacant.

Article V: Amendments to This Constitution

      1.    Proposal & Adoption:

             Amendments to these by-laws may be proposed in writing by any WULSA member and

             shall be adopted by a two-thirds majority vote of active WULSA members present at the


      2.    Notice:

             Any meeting in which amendments will be discussed or voted on must be announced no later than one week prior to the meeting and must state the amendment proposed.