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Biographical Sketch of Willem Hendrick Dickhoff
- Born: November 15, 1952; Amsterdam, the Netherlands
- Education
Free University, Amsterdam, B.Sc., 1974
Free University, Amsterdam, M.Sc., 1977
Free University, Amsterdam, Ph.D., 1981
- Research Positions
Predoctoral fellow, Institut für Kernphysik, Jülich, 1977-78
Research Assistant, Free University, Amsterdam, 1978-1981
University Assistant, University of Tübingen, 1981-85
Visiting Scientist, TRIUMF, Vancouver, 1985-86
- Academic Positions
Assistant Professor of Physics, Washington University, St. Louis, 1986-92
Associate Professor of Physics, Washington University, St. Louis, 1992-97
Professor of Physics, Washington University, St. Louis, 1997-present
- Scientific Work
Quantum mechanics of many-body systems.
Nuclear interactions and nuclear structure in finite nuclei and nuclear matter.
Approximately 100 authored or co-authored papers published in refereed periodicals, including 5 major review articles; about 50 invited and contributed papers in conference proceedings volumes; and a book entitled “Many-body theory exposed!” together with Prof. Dimitri Van Neck from the University of Ghent (2nd edition with a 3rd edition in preparation)
- Longer Visits
University of Barcelona
ECT Trento
Free University, Amsterdam
University of Ghent
INT, University of Washington, Seattle
NSCL, MSU, East Lansing
NIKHEF, Amsterdam
TRIUMF, Vancouver
RIKEN, Tokyo
University of Tübingen
Weizmann Institute, Rehovot
- Fellow American Physical Society 2013 (DNP) Citation: For development and application of the self-consistent Green’s function method for attacking the nuclear many-body problem, yielding fundamental insights into the roles of nuclear correlations in experimentally accessible observables.