Poster Session was held from 5:00 – 6:00pm in Room 340, accompanied by Happy Hour.

Note: Posters are numbered, please be sure to match your poster number with the number in the cardboard. Posters are to be 36″ x 48″ in dimension; click to see example at the bottom of the page.

#PresenterPoster TitleDiscussant
1Megan BrownThe Timing and Impact of Small Dollar Donations in Congressional CampaignsMayya Komisarchik
2Chenoa YorgasonNational Forces in Local ElectionsMayya Komisarchik
3Erin WalkSegregation in Online Content ViewingNaijia Liu
4Abigail HemmenMeasuring elite ideology via rhetorical choicesNaijia Liu
5Leah WindsorBias in Face and Emotion RecognitionAllyson Benton
6Marie SchenkWho Keeps Reading? Toxicity and Respect in Everyday TalkAllyson Benton
7Mariana V. Ramirez BustamanteWho should we believe? (Mis)match between elites’ and ordinary people’s perspectives on in-depth interviewsEmily Ritter
8Alejandra López VillegasWomen’s Rights on Our Own Terms: How Anti-Democratic Leaders Talk About Women’s Rights Across Latin AmericaAnna Wilke
9Sooahn ShinMeasuring Issue Specific Ideal Points from Roll Call VotesAdeline Lo
10Humeyra BiricikPolitical Speech as a Forecasting Tool for Democratic BackslidingAdeline Lo
11Annie JarmanClicks and Stones: Gendered Language and Hostility Online for PoliticiansLindsay Benstead
12Anastasia BrownInstitutional Change and Women’s Representation in American State LegislaturesLindsay Benstead
13Jiayi ZhangIdeological Control Through Protest Management: Evidence From Post-Socialist ChinaAmy Catalinac
14Hongyi SheLearning About TradeAmy Catalinac
15Katherine SevinAge as an Axis? Older vs Younger Representatives and the Influence of Age Prior and During Membership in the House of RepresentativesAllison Archer
16Katie Marie GlennShe Doesn’t Look Presidential: Analyzing Gendered Fashion in PoliticsJaclyn Kaslovsky
17Amanda WeissWinning Hearts and Minds in Online Surveys: Replication and Extension of Searles and Mattes (2015)Yuree Noh
18Laurie JonesDivergent Collective Memory Processes Surrounding the Arab SpringElissa Berwick
19Kaleigh RuizGendered Differentials in Judicial DiligenceAsli Cansunar
20Madeline Kittler, Aryanna Hyde, and Aubree HardestyPowerful in Pink: Barbie and Other Feminist Media Influence on Hypermasculinity and Perspective on Women’s Issues; Measuring the Influence of Feminist Media on Citizen’s Perceptions on PolicyTesalia Rizzo
21Kelsey Martin-MoralesRethinking Democratic BackslidingEmily Ritter
22Gechun LinUsing Generative AI to Extract Emphasis FramesLisa Argyle
23Alexis PalmerHow to Use Masked Language Models to Classify Narrative Structure in Political TextsLisa Argyle
25Nadine O’SheaTalking When the Stakes Are High: Mediation, UN Peacekeeping, and Government Violence Against CiviliansNejla Asimovic
26Mary AdamsPsychological Distance and Partisan AnimosityCassandra Tai
27Annamaria PratiBuilding State Capacity Locally: International Interventions and Local Governance in Post-Conflict StatesRoya Talibova
28Julieta ValenzuelaFootball-induced domestic violence and female activismRoya Talibova
30Taylor DamannSexual Violence Spurs Wartime Assistance: Evidence from UkraineJaclyn Kaslovsky
31Annelise RussellA Crisis of Communication: Reporting on the Realities of Covering a Digital CongressRachel Porter
32Diana M.E. JordanThe Effectiveness of Personal Narration in Online Political Discussion: Evidence from a Anonymous Cross-Partisan Conversations on Mobile Chat PlatformMaggie Macdonald
33Shuning GeRepresentation learning for causal inference in social sciences: an example in text analysisNaijia Liu
34Diana Da In LeeDesigning Multi-Site Studies for External Validity: Site Selection via Synthetic Purposive SamplingNaijia Liu
35Minhye JooHow Does Contact with Street-Level Bureaucrats Impact Immigrant Incorporation in the United States?Sule Yaylaci
36Aubree J HardestyFeminine Heuristics in Elections: An Analysis of Gendered Names and Appearance on Turnout of MinoritiesNaLette Brodnax
37Morgan GillespieThe Effect of Gender on Perceptions of Politicians’ Ideology: Implications for Candidate-Choice ExperimentsMolly Offer-Westort
38Linan YaoPopular Entertainment as Propaganda: Insights from an Online Field Experiment in ChinaMolly Offer-Westort
39Johanna Reyes OrtegaGender-Based Violence and Access to Justice: Evidence from Specialized Clinics in GuatemalaOlga Gasparyan

Poster Dimension Example