Poster Session was held from 5:00 – 6:00pm in Room 340, accompanied by Happy Hour.
Note: Posters are numbered, please be sure to match your poster number with the number in the cardboard. Posters are to be 36″ x 48″ in dimension; click to see example at the bottom of the page.
# | Presenter | Poster Title | Discussant |
1 | Megan Brown | The Timing and Impact of Small Dollar Donations in Congressional Campaigns | Mayya Komisarchik |
2 | Chenoa Yorgason | National Forces in Local Elections | Mayya Komisarchik |
3 | Erin Walk | Segregation in Online Content Viewing | Naijia Liu |
4 | Abigail Hemmen | Measuring elite ideology via rhetorical choices | Naijia Liu |
5 | Leah Windsor | Bias in Face and Emotion Recognition | Allyson Benton |
6 | Marie Schenk | Who Keeps Reading? Toxicity and Respect in Everyday Talk | Allyson Benton |
7 | Mariana V. Ramirez Bustamante | Who should we believe? (Mis)match between elites’ and ordinary people’s perspectives on in-depth interviews | Emily Ritter |
8 | Alejandra López Villegas | Women’s Rights on Our Own Terms: How Anti-Democratic Leaders Talk About Women’s Rights Across Latin America | Anna Wilke |
9 | Sooahn Shin | Measuring Issue Specific Ideal Points from Roll Call Votes | Adeline Lo |
10 | Humeyra Biricik | Political Speech as a Forecasting Tool for Democratic Backsliding | Adeline Lo |
11 | Annie Jarman | Clicks and Stones: Gendered Language and Hostility Online for Politicians | Lindsay Benstead |
12 | Anastasia Brown | Institutional Change and Women’s Representation in American State Legislatures | Lindsay Benstead |
13 | Jiayi Zhang | Ideological Control Through Protest Management: Evidence From Post-Socialist China | Amy Catalinac |
14 | Hongyi She | Learning About Trade | Amy Catalinac |
15 | Katherine Sevin | Age as an Axis? Older vs Younger Representatives and the Influence of Age Prior and During Membership in the House of Representatives | Allison Archer |
16 | Katie Marie Glenn | She Doesn’t Look Presidential: Analyzing Gendered Fashion in Politics | Jaclyn Kaslovsky |
17 | Amanda Weiss | Winning Hearts and Minds in Online Surveys: Replication and Extension of Searles and Mattes (2015) | Yuree Noh |
18 | Laurie Jones | Divergent Collective Memory Processes Surrounding the Arab Spring | Elissa Berwick |
19 | Kaleigh Ruiz | Gendered Differentials in Judicial Diligence | Asli Cansunar |
20 | Madeline Kittler, Aryanna Hyde, and Aubree Hardesty | Powerful in Pink: Barbie and Other Feminist Media Influence on Hypermasculinity and Perspective on Women’s Issues; Measuring the Influence of Feminist Media on Citizen’s Perceptions on Policy | Tesalia Rizzo |
21 | Kelsey Martin-Morales | Rethinking Democratic Backsliding | Emily Ritter |
22 | Gechun Lin | Using Generative AI to Extract Emphasis Frames | Lisa Argyle |
23 | Alexis Palmer | How to Use Masked Language Models to Classify Narrative Structure in Political Texts | Lisa Argyle |
25 | Nadine O’Shea | Talking When the Stakes Are High: Mediation, UN Peacekeeping, and Government Violence Against Civilians | Nejla Asimovic |
26 | Mary Adams | Psychological Distance and Partisan Animosity | Cassandra Tai |
27 | Annamaria Prati | Building State Capacity Locally: International Interventions and Local Governance in Post-Conflict States | Roya Talibova |
28 | Julieta Valenzuela | Football-induced domestic violence and female activism | Roya Talibova |
30 | Taylor Damann | Sexual Violence Spurs Wartime Assistance: Evidence from Ukraine | Jaclyn Kaslovsky |
31 | Annelise Russell | A Crisis of Communication: Reporting on the Realities of Covering a Digital Congress | Rachel Porter |
32 | Diana M.E. Jordan | The Effectiveness of Personal Narration in Online Political Discussion: Evidence from a Anonymous Cross-Partisan Conversations on Mobile Chat Platform | Maggie Macdonald |
33 | Shuning Ge | Representation learning for causal inference in social sciences: an example in text analysis | Naijia Liu |
34 | Diana Da In Lee | Designing Multi-Site Studies for External Validity: Site Selection via Synthetic Purposive Sampling | Naijia Liu |
35 | Minhye Joo | How Does Contact with Street-Level Bureaucrats Impact Immigrant Incorporation in the United States? | Sule Yaylaci |
36 | Aubree J Hardesty | Feminine Heuristics in Elections: An Analysis of Gendered Names and Appearance on Turnout of Minorities | NaLette Brodnax |
37 | Morgan Gillespie | The Effect of Gender on Perceptions of Politicians’ Ideology: Implications for Candidate-Choice Experiments | Molly Offer-Westort |
38 | Linan Yao | Popular Entertainment as Propaganda: Insights from an Online Field Experiment in China | Molly Offer-Westort |
39 | Johanna Reyes Ortega | Gender-Based Violence and Access to Justice: Evidence from Specialized Clinics in Guatemala | Olga Gasparyan |
Poster Dimension Example